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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 42 - Game of Thrones

insom[L-2] - hat, Stefl, Final-Fan, radish 
Rol[L-5] - mantle
mantle[L-5] - pezus, insom 
pezus - hat
hat - pezus


With 11 players alive, 6 votes are needed for a majority lynch.

~33 hours, 45 minutes remain. Day ends Thursday 5:30PM EDT(9:30PM UTC)

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VOTE: Insomnia

He is not even defneding and feels like he gave up. Don't care if he is mafia or not because I am not enjoying the game anymore. 

Stefl is honestly one of the most trustworthy people in the game at this point, and Insomniac didn't offer much by way of defence. Plus, it'll be informative.


Vote: Insomniac

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

I could tell it was over when everyone waited around all morning for Stefl to wake up from his slumber with news. "Prepare for departure" I said to my squire, not wanting to witness the massacre that would surely follow according to my vision. We mounted up and found a spot where we could barely see the going ons in the arena, but would still be able to get out of King's Landing swiftly.

Stefl finally showed up and pointed at insomniac. Judging by the scramble of men drawing their swords to attack insomniac, the former had called him a liar. We turned and fled as Kantor and Noctis struck a double deathblow on the helpless warrior.

"Well played Lannisters, well played."

insomniac17 was lynched. He was TOWN Vanilla.

Final Day Four Votals:
insom(6) - hat, Stefl, Final-Fan, radish, Noctis, Kantor
Rol(1) - mantle
mantle(1) - pezus, insom 
pezus - hat
hat - pezus

No Vote: Rol, Korppi, pezus

On my journey home, I heard that what I had already seen had come to pass. Further details did not reach me until I was back in the safety of my own home.

First, mantle slipped over to radish to thank him. While motioning to the barely even dead insomniac, he said "I'm so very glad you took the word of the living over the word of the dead and struck at him instead of me. It's too bad I'm not going to spare your life." After which, mantle spilled a vial of some liquid into radish's mouth, who drifted into a sleep from which one would not recover.

Meanwhile, Kantor shouted at pezus, "You're an ugly fellow!" He kicked over a pot of boiling oil, struck his sword against a rock to spark up a roaring fire, and left pezus to die.

Since Catelyn Stark wasn't around, Final-Fan begged Stefl to kill him. Stefl obliged, owing him that much.

hatmoza, easily the wittiest member of the crew, although the smallest eagerly explained everything to the bewildered Rol. His boasting of Rol's unknowning helpfulness over the past few days literally killed him.

And last, but most significantly, Noctis outlurked Korppi to death and declared himself the King.

Rolstoppable died in endgame. He was CARTEL Jailkeeper.

radish, pezus, Final-Fan, and Korppi all died in end-game. They were TOWN Elite Bodyguard/Bomb, Miller, Vanilla, and Mason Recruiter respectively.



Noctis was MAFIA Godfather.
hatmoza was MAFIA Bulletproof.
mantle was MAFIA Roleblocker.
Stefl was MAFIA Rolecop.
Kantor was MAFIA Strongman.

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Thanks for the perfect game everyone.

Thanks to Kantor!


I don't always play as mafia, but when I do, my scummates and I play a perfect game!

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

Hatmoza... once again, you are a bad, bad, bad person :D

Mantle gets Mafia MVP.
pezus gets TOWN MVP.
Rol gets some kind of good intentions, horrible results award.

Town played pitifully bad. Mafia played bad, but that's likely because they didn't have to play good thanks to town.