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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 42 - Game of Thrones

RolStoppable said:
pezus said:

Yes, or we discussed it a little. He wanted a mantle lynch but it wasn't going to happen at the point he arrived at the scene and I did trust you so a Danne lynch was really our only option.

No, Mantle, a Rol lynch won't do us good. Mafia will have to keep roleblocking him, if Rol is lynched they will be free to roleblock someone else. If you are thinking Kantor, why not vote for him when it seems like most of us agree on him?

With eleven players left, a process of elimination doesn't hurt. I am an SK.

Radish: Town (scanned innocent), murdering cyber ninja survivor (actual role remains a secret).

FF: Town (scanned innocent), role unknown.

Stefl: Town, cop (probably sane).

Hatmoza: Town, bulletproof.

Korppi: Town, mason recruiter.

Pezus: Town, miller and recruited mason.

This doesn't leave many people to be on the mafia which consists of three or four people in this game.

Mantle: ?, role unknown.

Noctis: ?, possessed a crown which points to Joffrey and thus mafia alignment, role unknown (potentially roleblocker).

Insomniac: ?, role unknown, stated that he did nothing on Night 1.

Kantor: Claimed to be an insane doctor, but is strongly suspected to be lying (potentially a mafia strongman).

That pretty much sums it up than for a scum list. Where is Insomniac and Noctis anyways?

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

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All other 'town', when do we eventually lynch scum cartel Rol?


Unvote Pezus

Vote Insomniac

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

pezus said:

But you already saw that Rol kept his word. Or at least the mafia were afraid of that. I think both Kantor and Noctis are mafia though. But you see, Rol brought up a great point just now. If he is kept alive, stefl will be able to investigate more people and the suspect list is really getting a lot smaller.

You are still on my suspect list, as is hatmoza, but I am getting at least better feelings about both of you. Hatmoza more so.

I have no idea what to think of Insomniac, he could easily be scum, and he seems to be a great player/thinker when he posts (which isn't often). He said he was protown and male during day 1. The protown part means nothing though, so easy to lie, but the male part could be true. Jaime Lannister anyone?

Final Fan is a mystery to me as well, but he got scanned innocent. He really should be more involved, but he might be busy.

Noctis is almost obviscum at this point, Kantor quite likely as well. Rol, did prof only get a crown back and not a name?! Is that how it works? What if he had investigated a non-king?

I wouldn't be surprised if the team consists of Noctis, insomniac and Kantor.

Is it time yet for character claims for all? 

Pezus, you've been calling me scum since day one, before prof's death even happened. Maybe I am your lynchee or something.

Noctis and Insomniac may well be on the scum team. I, however, am not.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

pezus said:
Kantor said:

Pezus, you've been calling me scum since day one, before prof's death even happened. Maybe I am your lynchee or something.

Noctis and Insomniac may well be on the scum team. I, however, am not.

Isn't that more a testament to you showing scum signs? For example, what is your opinion of our next move? What should we do? 

Wait for Stefl to show up before we start to lynch anybody.

Until then... complain about Stefl not showing up, I suppose. It's pretty difficult to proceed without him.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

pezus said:

Oh, ok. I remember googling Flavor Cop and only Role cop showed up. So let us list all of the possibilities here:

Cersei - Queen, scum

Joffrey - King, scum

Robert Baratheon - King, not scum

Stannis - King and dead in this game

Renly Baratheon- King and ??? I remember you saying "not Renly". Why?

Balon - King at one point 

Robb Stark - King

Daenerys - "Queen"

Mance Rayder - King beyond the Wall, not likely



Did I forget anyone? This is based on the two season TV show btw, not all the books .


Cersei is only a queen by marriage. That leaves Joffrey, Robert and Renly. I doubt Mance is in this game, since he hasn't really appeared in the TV series yet.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

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RolStoppable said:
pezus said:

Oh, ok. I remember googling Flavor Cop and only Role cop showed up. So let us list all of the possibilities here:

Cersei - Queen, scum

Joffrey - King, scum

Robert Baratheon - King, not scum

Stannis - King and dead in this game

Renly Baratheon- King and ??? I remember you saying "not Renly". Why?

Balon - King at one point 

Robb Stark - King

Daenerys - "Queen"

Mance Rayder - King beyond the Wall, not likely



Did I forget anyone? This is based on the two season TV show btw, not all the books .

I said "not Renly" because of the viewer's guide Linkzmax posted and initially I was a little bit paranoid about getting modkilled, so I didn't spell things out directly. There are five claimants to the throne, three of them are the cartel's targets, one of them is Daenarys (prof's character) and the remaining one is Renly. I understand the cartel's flavor goal as claiming the throne, so the other claimants need to die. Because Renly is missing on the list of targets, I assume that he isn't in this game at all, because it would contradict the flavor goal.


As of the end of season 2, Renly is dead, but then Eddard was dead at the end of Season One.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Would anyone except Rol, pezus and me like to say anything? It's getting lonely in here.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Sorry, I haven't had that much to say - I was waiting for Stefl to show up

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My absence was mentioned in this post a few days ago, though I did not explain why. It was for the same reason as last time. Again, I apologize for being gone, but it was not something that I could control.

I see no reason to not believe Rol's summary of possible suspects. If we assume that Rol's guess of Noctis being Jeoffrey is correct, that leaves three potential candidates for a lynch today, including myself. It would appear that we are waiting for Stefl before deciding who the best option would be. Until then, feel free to ask me any questions. I will be on for the rest of today.

Sorry for being gone so long, got distracted from the thread, other games, birthdays etc. I'm afraid I don't have much in the way of original thought right now, too.

The vote for insomniac seemingly came out of nowhere -- was that hat?

The logic about one of Rol's two targets seems legit, but only as far as it goes: that could also be what they want us to think. WIFOM.

But seriously. As far as I'm concerned, unless stated otherwise or proven otherwise a flip of cop is a regular cop, not insane or paranoid. Or does someone recall Linkz having a contrary opinion from previous games/statements?

Based on that, I'd like to lynch one of Danne's two guilty results. I just don't think we can ignore a lead like "guilty result returned by cop who flipped without a paranoid label".

Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
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My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
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I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia.  Thanks WordsofWisdom!