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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 42 - Game of Thrones

pezus said:
Kantor said:
Oddly enough, I find myself agreeing with Rol here. Let's not rush into anything.

Some questions for Rol:
1) Why didn't you use your nightkill to help the town like you said you would?
2) Why were you so sure Danne was not Town or Robb Stark?
3) Did you have anything to do with baalz' death?

You could always answer my question as well. Who did you "protect"?

RolStoppable. I was hoping it would flip kill, but once again, I was a doctor tonight

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

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RolStoppable said:
radishhead said:

Noctis and insomniac are my top suspicions atm- although I can't remember who they claimed or anything that would suggest that they're not mafia (the inactive players have just blended into one for me really, and I forgot to write any claims down, which might have been useful)

Since danne flipped Robb Stark, noctis has to be Joffrey Baratheon, unless another character with a crown is left in this game. That's almost as good as a guilty scan, because the way everyone talked about Joffrey should make him scum in this game.

However, if noctis gets lynched toDay and flips as Joffrey, I will win and be removed from the game, thus town will lose my service. So in town's best interest, I recommend to take a serious look at kantor toDay.

Why didn't you kill Noctis last night, then? You knew that Danne was Robb Stark from nightfall, and you would have won the game.

Something doesn't add up here.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

RolStoppable said:

Danne's sanity wasn't revealed upon his flip, so I gave it some serious thought before I decided my Night actions. I still believe that stefl is a town cop and it's unlikely that town has two normally functioning cops at the same time. I considered stefl's results to be correct, although there is a chance that he is naive, because he got two innocent results. I didn't consider danne's results to be correct, because I believe that hatmoza is town and mantle is mafia. One wrong and one correct result means that I saw danne as a paranoid cop (and stefl should be sane, not naive). Therefore I submitted plan B: Kill kantor and jailkeep mantle.

I was notified that I was blocked. Now this could have either been a paranoid townie or the mafia. Since I am still alive, I am leaning towards mafia. They blocked me and killed baalz. This roleblock in and of itself is valuable information. If the mafia has a roleblocker but didn't send him to prof on Night 1, who else would they send? A killer, probably the strongman because a name cop is a serious threat (safeclaim lists for names are rendered useless).

You said that you had a ninja ability. Is it possible that the mafia have a ninja of their own and sent him to kill prof?

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

RolStoppable said:
hatmoza said:

I've already looked it up myself. You notified the mafia that it isn't an additional kill right away.

But you know what I am getting at, right? There is a third theory to explain the three deaths on Night 1.

You think scum had an additional kill, and yes, it's usually strongkill. Extra kills are not uncommon. I wouldn't rule out a solo faction though.

I'm more interested in this roleblocker of yours. I'm getting flashbacks of you conversation with Radish, Jailkeeper, or scum whore?

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

pezus said:
hatmoza said:
Also, don't rush vote me, the last thing you want to do is remove another TOWN player.

Oh, is that so?

Yes, and if I didn't have so much suspicion floating about me, I would lead a heroic lynch against your ass.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

Around the Network
pezus said:
hatmoza said:
pezus said:
hatmoza said:
Also, don't rush vote me, the last thing you want to do is remove another TOWN player.

Oh, is that so?

Yes, and if I didn't have so much suspicion floating about me, I would lead a heroic lynch against your ass.

Right, because all signs point to me being scum. So do you think Danne wasn't sane cop?

Yes, he was insane because I am town.  You on the other hand are chilaxing on the miller claim, jumping on any lynch train that is most convinent to you. It's almost like you're a Survivor!

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

I will also like to hear from Radish. As scummy as this sounds, I want to know his role and find out if it is scum that blocked rol, or a jailkeeper.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

RolStoppable said:
hatmoza said:

You think scum had an additional kill, and yes, it's usually strongkill. Extra kills are not uncommon. I wouldn't rule out a solo faction though.

I'm more interested in this roleblocker of yours. I'm getting flashbacks of you conversation with Radish, Jailkeeper, or scum whore?

First off, the theory for everyone to read:

The two theories for the three deaths on Night 1 we had were (leaving out smeags, because I killed him):

1) The mafia killed prof, a vigilante shot wonk. The problem here is that this trigger happy vigilante hasn't killed anyone since then and, of course, that we were led to believe that the second theory is what really happened.

2) An insane doctor accidently killed prof, the mafia killed wonk. The problem here is that the insane doctor's killing ability hasn't triggered since then and that I got roleblocked on Night 3 which means the mafia has a roleblocker but didn't send him to prof who was a logical choice.

So what if both theories are wrong and Linkzmax allows the strongman shot to be an additional kill on top of the regular faction kill? After all, he also allows scum to Day-talk and does other things also differently (like the strict time limits).

3) The mafia killed prof with their strongman, the same mafia killed wonk with their regular kill. The strongman went to prof because he was a worthy target for a strongman shot and because it could be assumed that he would be protected. Wonk was killed because he is a good player that could be assumed to not have drawn protection. A devastating blow to the town on Night 1... although it turned out that prof was a cartel member.


As for the roleblocker, I don't think it's radish. He was scanned innocent by what I assume to be a sane cop, so he would have to be a godfather prostitute dual role. The reason why I thought that radish is a jailkeeper is because of prof's flavor analysis. He thought it would be a fitting role for Brienne of Tarth (she keeps a prisoner or something). Then late on Day 2 radish talks about the amount of powers town seems to have in response to the two doctors which strengthened my belief that prof could be right. But as it turned out, radish isn't a roleblocker of any sort. (There are more things prof was wrong about, but that's not important now.)

Since I tried to jailkeep mantle, it shouldn't be possible that he is the mafia's roleblocker. Since kantor (who I suspect as well) certainly didn't roleblock prof on Night 1, he isn't the roleblocker either. That basically leaves noctis (who should be Joffrey and thus scum) or one of the lurkers korppi and insomniac.

If anything (and sorry for the lame short responses to your long well constructed posts) that just makes the insane doctor that more believable. A 1 shot vigilante would have gladly came out and said he is a useless regular town if that is the case. If he wasn't anything but a 1 shot we would have seen a second shooting by now. The fact that no one came out and said they are the vigilante  points to there being none.

Kantor, who did you protect!?

And the only reason I'm reluctant to vote mantle is because the same person who said they scanned him guilty said they scanned me scum as well, and that absurd!

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

pezus said:

Yes, that is probably it. Jumping on lynch trains huh? Wasn't it you who kept voting and unvoting yesterday?

You are along for the ride. No concern for the town whatsoever. What have you done for us so far again since your miller claim?

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

pezus said:
Meanwhile, both hatmoza and mantle have tried to push for me. I would bet you an arm and a leg that baalz was killed because they were afraid he was cartel with Rol, which makes me, again, suspicious of Mantle, Kantor and Hatz

Remove hat and replace Kantor with you and that's my scum list. And rol of course.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson