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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 42 - Game of Thrones

Korppi said:
Stefl1504 said:
pezus said:

I'd like to see posts from Noctis, korppi, danne, final fan, happyd. How long has it been since happyd came here?

I really don't believe we'll see korppi again...

Oh, ye of little faith.

Where have you been?!

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

Around the Network

Man, the town is dwindling fast!!

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

DanneSandin said:
Korppi said:

Oh, ye of little faith.

Where have you been?!

A little preoccupied. I have this unfortunate habit of prioritizing real-life stuff over... well, other stuff.

pezus said:


If you say so

I would like to see what Rol has to say to all of this. And stefl, why are we to believe you instead of Rol? Convince us

I don't really see why there is convincing for me to do, he lied multiple times, and I wouldn't be surprised if he knew the real killer and left him from the list of people visiting, or he was the killer and the info came from his team. He lied twice today, once confirmed (from my point of view) and once it is doubtable, but since rol lied once, it doesn't necessarily mean he doesn't do it twice.

Now to you, why are you trusting into him?! Do you have something at hand that makes you sure he told 100% the truth?

Korppi said:
DanneSandin said:
Korppi said:

Oh, ye of little faith.

Where have you been?!

A little preoccupied. I have this unfortunate habit of prioritizing real-life stuff over... well, other stuff.

Yeah, I guess that when real life intervin you can't stop by here for 5 minutes making sure you don't get lynched or modkill... I understand that. Real life's a bitch.

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

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pezus said:
Prof said he knew HappyD's role, didn't he lol? Hatmoza's too. Does that mean Hatmoza is vanilla and therefore lying? He could not have known he was bulletproof at least. I honestly don't know what to think anymore.

Prof was scum. He wanted us to keep him alive, and one good reason for that was claiming to know more than we did, and refusing to reveal it until later.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Okay, so we thought we knew that Rol is some sort of watcher. He did correctly call out Mario for targeting Prof. Kantor came out on his own. Today, Stefl has come out and said that Rol lied about watching Final-Fan, because Stefl visited FF last night.

Now, the problem that I have with scum Rol is that he was already viewed as pro town by basically everyone. Claiming to be bullet proof on top of that as scum is incredibly stupid because it makes the roleclaim more complex, it adds to a role already believed to be town, and it creates a role that is very powerful. I have a hard time believing that any mafia would so blatantly claim such a powerful role.

Rol's lie about visiting Final-Fan also depends on whether or not you believe Stefl's claim. I am unsure about it. Rol explained why he chose Final-Fan. His reasoning for not choosing Spurge or Baalz makes sense, but Final-Fan seems like an odd choice.

Final-Fan and Radish, what are your thoughts on Stefl's claim?

theprof00 said:
Radish- for
DanneSandin- for
Mario- for
Stefl- 50/50

Smeags- undefined, against
FF- undefined, against
Hat- Wary of prof
kantor- against? Seemed to be.
Rol- against, characters and role
Trucks- undefined, against

Dug up this post, I did not really check, Rol, how does it make sense for you if you only knew the names of the roles that protect you, you don't want to know them? Well, you are contradictory Rol...


Just doing it to be safe later on.


I still have 50-70 posts to read, will read them and continue. It will be some time later though.

mantlepiecek said:


Just doing it to be safe later on.


I still have 50-70 posts to read, will read them and continue. It will be some time later though.

So what do you think about the situation, to me it felt like you were always on your lone island throughout the game...