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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 42 - Game of Thrones

mantlepiecek said:

Hmm...I remember spurge trusting you insomniac. He said he now thought that you are town, even though you didn't think he was town.

Why did you leave that part out?

He did trust me at one point, but it seems that, later, he missed my post where I said I would be gone, and he mentioned my absence during the weekend a few times. He also noticed immediately when I came online yesterday and told me to post, though I was catching up with nearly 400 posts.

He also went from being suspicious of me Day 1, to trusting me by the end of Day 1, to suspicious again on Day 2, to trusting again later on Day 2. So I really don't know where he stood at the end of the day. The post that I referenced was after he said he trusted me and after I had left for the weekend, so he could have changed his mind. Since I was in that post, I decided to just toss it out there.

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Stefl1504 said:
Stefl1504 said:
pezus said:

Spurge trusted Rol, I think, but Rol told him *not* to protect him. Maybe he took it as reverse psychology? To be fair though, if Rol is scum, he is the best scum player I have seen and will likely never get lynched.

Baalz was also a "confirmed" townie, could have protected him.

Actually, Final-Fan is looking pretty likely. He's a big-time player and looked town to pretty much everyone besides myself (by what I could gather).

I am still confused about Spurges whereabouts night one... but I believe he targeted Baalz... (after I appearantly missunderstood that he also was at profs place)

To make my point (baka me...) If that is the case, spurge didn't die because of weakness...

and to finally complete the post... I am of course refering to Baalz being targeted twice in a row by Spurge...

RolStoppable said:
radishhead said:

I'm not going to give anything away beside this, so listen closely. If me telling you all who I targeted yesterday would be any help, I would do it. As it stands, if my role was any use last night, then it wouldn't just be Spurge lying dead this morning.

So you softclaim scum now?

Listen, radish. This is yesterDay's post:

With only spurge and kantor being talked about as protective roles, you would need to be a protective role yourself to come to such a conclusion. Also, you couldn't be a third doctor, because then you would have doubted kantor's claim. That basically leaves jailkeeper for you unless there's some role I am forgetting about. A jailkeeper can protect from more than one kill at once, unlike a doctor. So I thought you as jailkeeper could help us to confirm yet another townie (your target). Or at least somewhat, because there's another option where the failed kills went to.

It's a clever deduction, but it's not quite the case - there is indeed a role that you're forgetting, but I'm not going to say anything because I don't want to make the same mistake as I did last game (giving away too much info)

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

insomniac17 said:

I had a hard time finding anything specific about who Spurge trusted (though I didn't look too hard), but after using the find function on the last ten pages, these posts were the closest I saw to being useful as far as who he didn't trust. Post 1. Lurkers, Noctis and Korppi. I'm also mentioned, but he mentioned the fires as a possible explanation for my absence over the weekend. I don't know if he found my absence suspicious or not, but I did post about why and for how long I would be gone before I left. Post 2. Stefl rage vote. Probably useless, but who knows. Post 3. Seems more suspicious of Kantor than Mario. He also mentioned hatmoza as scummy, and seemed to not trust Mantle.

I am still unsure of what to think about Kantor's claim. With Spurge being a weak doctor, it makes sense to have other limited doctors in the game... but he could easily still be mafia. Kantor said he protected Noctis last night, like he said he would do on Day 2, but that doesn't convince me that he is a doctor. Kantor, why do you think it confirms your role?

Sorry, I was a little unclear.

Mario's town flip, not Noctis, confirmed in my mind that I am an insane doctor, because I already know that I am a doctor of some sort. It doesn't prove that to you, however.

But consider that spurge was a limited doctor, so another limited doctor would make sense.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

RolStoppable said:
radishhead said:
Rol, did you see anything last night?

No. If I had something to report, I would have already done so.

How is that to understand? There are lots of possibilities for nothing to report...

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pezus said:
Stefl1504 said:

and to finally complete the post... I am of course refering to Baalz being targeted twice in a row by Spurge...

I see what you mean now. Could you link me to the post where he says he targeted Baalz night 1? I can't remember it

This is a personal believe of myself, he said somewhere that only an idiot would target Prof night one (that is one to find) so to me it leaves Baalz and you, who he could've targeted night one...

Stefl1504 said:
Stefl1504 said:

I am still confused about Spurges whereabouts night one... but I believe he targeted Baalz... (after I appearantly missunderstood that he also was at profs place)

To make my point (baka me...) If that is the case, spurge didn't die because of weakness...

I want to know what you mean by this.

pezus said:
Radish, everyone knows. You have already said too much.

I thought so. Never mind, I'll just contribute today what I can

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

Here's a crazy theory -- Cartel Prof, baalz, and Pezus pulled a fast one on us and we are under the false impression that Cartel are confirmed town.

Also, @Pezus I regret nothing! Mario's game led to his own lynch.

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

pezus said:
Stefl1504 said:

This is a personal believe of myself, he said somewhere that only an idiot would target Prof night one (that is one to find) so to me it leaves Baalz and you, who he could've targeted night one...

Ah, yes. And don't you think he could have targeted me the first night? Actually...probably not. Protecting a miller isn't worth it, but with spurge nobody knows how he thinks

Well, rol has cleared up that speculation... but you exactly came to the same conclustion I did...