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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 42 - Game of Thrones

Spurge is online alright. Talking with his scumbuds.

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

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spurgeonryan said:
It does when I am eating breakfast.

Why should I give that information up? When a player gives upeverything that leaves him vulnerable. Especially myself since I am not a decent player anyways.

I always give everything up and it is always a bad choice. The few who have pushed for me to naimclaim obviously do not care. You just want to know if you should target me tonight or not.

The most important info about you is out: you're a doctor. That's what matters now. And you're a stark. You might as well give up your first name now.

HoS Spurge

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

spurgeonryan said:
It does when I am eating breakfast.

Why should I give that information up? When a player gives upeverything that leaves him vulnerable. Especially myself since I am not a decent player anyways.

I always give everything up and it is always a bad choice. The few who have pushed for me to naimclaim obviously do not care. You just want to know if you should target me tonight or not.

Spurge. The mafia know we have a Doctor (me) and a Watcher (Rol).

Why on earth would they target you? Are you a doctor as well?

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

What is your first name? Stop avoiding the question.

Money can't buy happiness. Just video games, which make me happy.

Didn't Spurge out himself as a doctor?! If not I'm really confusing ppl in my head... goddamnit!!! It's not where it should be then ^^

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

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Okay, for now I HoS everyone who takes the safe-list as granted, it smells like to much info... rumour spread by scum to sow discord within town, now to start my reread and also check for all people who behaved like it is a given that Linkz handed out safeclaims... (I remember rol arguing once with it, but he stayed on my mind for doing it in a different way than a lot of the others(it was only recently and it was more like, "a lot of people seem to agree on it" rather than pezus's recent post which made me think about that fact. This would mean that the persons spreading it in the first place (I think hatmoza was one of them) would be among scum... well I have to look deeper into it...

@ spurge can you give us your opinion on kantors claim

also I don't remember any Starks that could be doctors, not even far fetched starks... though... can someone remind me... what was the gender claim of spurge? (well I will be reminded sooner or later when I read through the genderclaim parts)

spurgeonryan said:

Why did anyone vote for him and not take their votes off when he got close to being hammered? They are just as much at fault. Other than the Prof taking his vote off. Lol, he is better at being town when he is mafia than when he is town.

There was our original reaction from baalz, then I believe after he said it was a trap someone like finalfan or Mario called out some more stuff that made sense to me. So I pushed it. Originally I was not sure of the reason people were voting for him. But when someone added " why he would do that during the trucks situation I agreed. Very strange at the time and it is still a little strange.

Part of the problem with your hammer and Final-Fan's vote, as I mentioned earlier to Final-Fan is that half of the 8 players who had voted for Baalz didn't respond from his explanation to the time you hammered, as well as about half of all players in general. There was a much shorter time frame from Final-Fan's vote to your hammer as well, and I believed it wasn't until shortly after FF's vote that two of those players voting for Baalz had posted.

Danne; I was asking because I had struggled to get a good read on either of you in the game, and I wanted to know what other players thought. Now that I have gotten thoughts from a few players, I have a slightly better idea. I have no problems with the flavour analysis, but I mentioned it because it seemed like you focused much more on that than anything else. Not necessarily bad, but I have no idea what you're talking about so I can't get a read from it, aside from the fact that you do it a lot. As for Pezus, I already had a better read on him than the two of you from the Baalz incident.

About the Kantor/mario thing;

This post stands out to me. Kantor claims doctor, and immediately mentions that Spurge also appears to have implied that he is a doctor. He then offers a reasonable explanation for having multiple doctors in the game. It stood out because he immediately rushed to defend his claim. However, because his suggestion that there are potentially insane or otherwise limited doctors makes sense, and it would explain prof's death, it does not convince me either way. Aside from that... none of Kantor's posts really stood out on my first readthrough. For now, I am unsure of what the truth is, and whether or not Kantor and/or Mario are lying.

Where it does lead me is back to Spurge. Can you please explain this post?

I'm actually starting to look like my cgaracter, so I'll go and have now - but if Spurge haven't name claimed when I'm back I'll vote on you!!!

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

Mario[L-7] - happy, hat, mantle
happy[L-8] - Mario
korppi[L-8] - korppi
hat - Baalz, Mario
insom - spurge
Baalz - happy


With 16 players alive, 9 votes are needed for a majority lynch.

53 hours remain. Day ends Monday 5PM EDT(9PM UTC)

Honestly, danne and spurge are acting very odd right now

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