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Forums - Sony Discussion - The Last Guardian hasn't disappeared, says Sony

Just found this art, isn't it lovely?

I chatted with the head of PlayStation worldwide development Shuhei Yoshida this afternoon, who remained coy on the game's status.

"Yeah, yeah," he said. "We have the team working hard, and still it's not the right time to give people an update."

Team Ico's creative leader, Fumito Ueda, left Sony earlier this year, but is reportedly still working with Sony to finish development on The Last Guardian. There have been no updates since Ueda left, leaving fans worried.

Yoshida assured me it absolutely was a project Sony intended to release eventually, though.

"It has to!" he laughed. "It will be."

Until then, we wait. 





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if this and DUst514 was shown instead of assassins creed and harry potter book people wouldn't say sony conference sucked.

For those waiting on this, how about pretending Journey is by Team Ico and relax a bit?

Yeah I read this too on Eurogamer.

Why wasn't the long-awaited PS3 exclusive there? Because The Last Guardian is still having "technical difficulties", Sony Worldwide president Shuhei Yoshida told Eurogamer today at E3.
"The team is back in Tokyo is working hard, and there are some technical difficulties that the team is focused on right now," he told us. "That's why we don't have an update."

One theory for the game's prolonged absence is that The Last Guardian will no longer be a PS3 game, and instead be ported to PlayStation 4.
But Shuhei Yoshida seemed to reject this claim.
"What does that question mean [is it still a PS3 game]? It is a PS3 game," he stressed.
Is there a danger it will never see the light of day - will it still actually come out on PS3?
"When we have confidence in saying that, we will talk about it," he answered. "But today, we are working through some engineering effort."

That last sentence is a bit worrying, sounds like he's not yet confident it will actually come out. Hopefully that's just a translation problem since his statement to Giant bomb is a lot more positive.
I also wonder what technical difficulties. Hopefully it's not a bug ridden mess full of legacy code.

richardhutnik said:
For those waiting on this, how about pretending Journey is by Team Ico and relax a bit?

Haha spot on, that game took the place of Team Ico this generation. 

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Sal.Paradise said:
richardhutnik said:
For those waiting on this, how about pretending Journey is by Team Ico and relax a bit?

Haha spot on, that game took the place of Team Ico this generation. 

I would throw in Flower also in to the mix, because I believe it is by the same developers that did Journey.  I see connections between the two, because I believe the makers of Flower and Journey are where Team Ico was, in that they have a very artistic creation and flying under the radar.  I think the wait forever for it buzz around The Last Guardian isn't doing it any favors.  Best it not have hype and be a surprise, than have this wait forever, and ever and ever for it to come out.

usrevenge said:
if this and DUst514 was shown instead of assassins creed and harry potter book people wouldn't say sony conference sucked.

At least Dust514 was in the montage trailer.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

richardhutnik said:

I would throw in Flower also in to the mix, because I believe it is by the same developers that did Journey.  I see connections between the two, because I believe the makers of Flower and Journey are where Team Ico was, in that they have a very artistic creation and flying under the radar.  I think the wait forever for it buzz around The Last Guardian isn't doing it any favors.  Best it not have hype and be a surprise, than have this wait forever, and ever and ever for it to come out.

This has been said in the past, but Torico moves of his own free will. He'll approach things that interest him -- things like barrels, small animals, grass and so-forth.Using jars of smoke to draw Torico's attention.To advance in the demo, you'll need to make use of Torico. You can toss jars that release smoke. This will interest Torico, and he'll approach. 

Famitsu seemed to be impressed by the demo session, describing it as "exceeding expectations," and "reality that exceeds real." 

Ueda told the magazine that the thing he wants people to note from the demo are Torico's detailed actions. He has a number of reactions even when he's sleeping. Even the motions of his ears will change depending on the surrounding sounds.

As with past interviews, Ueda spoke quite a bit about the game's physics engine. As an example of the engine's robustness, he mentioned the movement of Torico's ears when they collide with a wall. The movement is not based off an animator's work, but off physical collision detection. Animators do have control over muscle movements, though, so they can make it so that Torico's ears will stand or fall.







Ooops I just posted hype

Share the pain with me.

Yes it has, say gamers.

Last Guardian is the only game on PS3 I'm looking forward to. Sadly I have a feeling it's either canceled or being switched over to PS4 like Ico moved from PSX to PS2. Ico is still my favorite exclusive on PS2 so I'd hate to see The Last Guardian disappear. But it doesn't look good.