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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Las of Us & Halo 4 Raise the Bar for Console Graphics.

Argh_College said:
Hopefully Halo doesnt turn Killzone. We all know killzone is a mediocre game and im being generous.

Halo is amazing.

killzone with average graphics would sell horrible that's for sure. half of the people i know who bought it bought it for best ego-shooter graphics^^ (on consoles)

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Slimebeast said:
yo_john117 said:
Slimebeast said:
I hate that they Callofdutyfied Halo by adding a voice that constantly holds your hand (Cortana instead of Price & MacTavish).

You know they've had Cortana in your head saying stuff ever since the first Halo right?

Yeah but that was before Modern Warfare. In past Halo games (at least in Halo 3 and before. I haven't played much of ODST or Reach to be honest) she mostly just talked during cut-scenes.

In MW somebody is constantly talking to the player and telling you exactly what to do and where to look. Now it seems Halo finally admitted defeat to the king, COD, and added that same annoying feature so that, god forbid, the player may never be lost. I was so pissed off watching that E3 Halo 4 demo. Cortana just wouldn't shut up.

Speaking of voices. Since when is Master Chief talking?

Hey there's always been chatter in your ears while playing Halo games. Telling you where to go and Cortana talking.

I personally like that Cortana is getting a bigger role in the looks to be a much more engaging experience.

Slimebeast said:
yo_john117 said:
Slimebeast said:
I hate that they Callofdutyfied Halo by adding a voice that constantly holds your hand (Cortana instead of Price & MacTavish).

You know they've had Cortana in your head saying stuff ever since the first Halo right?

Speaking of voices. Since when is Master Chief talking?

While 343 have made it very clear he's not going to become a chatter box, they've said that john will do more talking etc to become more of a character instead of just a drone. First dig they did at this was actually during the E3 2011 reveal, Bungie would've said "Wake up chief", 343 is turning it into "Wake up john", small but clear step

enrageorange said:
o_O.Q said:
ZaneWane said:
some are easily impressed by linear and quick time event

from what i saw the halo demo was far more linear with chief running down a narrow path and the last of us beginning in a wide open area outside then progressing to a fight inside and i don't know if you have poor eyesight or not but i saw no qtes from either demo

the first level of most halo games is very narrow and linear that introduces players to the gameplay, enemies, and weapons. I believe only halo reach had a wide open initial level. Fully expecting most of the campaign to be in huge set pieces like halo reach, especially considering 343 industries said themselves the levels will be bigger than anything we have seen in previous halo games.

Anyway the last of us obviously has the advantage due to the ps3 being more powerful, but if halo 4 ends up looking as good as the demo showed, and has the giant levels of previous halos, that will be very impressive, much more so than crysis 2 or killzone 3 for example. But I have a feeling halo 4 will not look as good as that demo, similar to how uncharted 3 looked significantly worse than its e3 demo. I hope I'm wrong but I have yet to see a console game look anywhere near as good as that halo 4 demo that has huge sprawling levels. 

he said " some are easily impressed by linear and quick time event "

and i'm saying that from what was shown that is nonsense

" similar to how uncharted 3 looked significantly worse than its e3 demo

lol really? did you actually play it?

crissindahouse said:

killzone with average graphics would sell horrible that's for sure. half of the people i know who bought it bought it for best ego-shooter graphics^^ (on consoles)

Killzone 2 campaing is one of the best I ever played in a shooter... the Killzone 3 multiplayer is one of the best I ever played in a shooter.

The problem is Killzone 2 multiplayer and Killzone 3 campaing .

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Argh_College said:
Hopefully Halo doesnt turn Killzone. We all know killzone is a mediocre game and im being generous.

Halo is amazing.

So what's the difference between killzone and halo for you?


I am betting you haven't even played killzone.

kain_kusanagi said:
enrageorange said:
Gamer_of_the_Year said:

The Last of Us AND Beyond look infinitely better than Halo 4. 

That is all.

infinitely is a rather strong word. I think the words you are going for are they are more impressive but I'm a huge sony fanboy so...

I think the word you guys are looking for is "different". They look different than Halo 4. They all look good.

Halo 4o is big and open. Last of Us is linear and focused. Beyond is QTE choose your own adventure. They all have different things going on so they have different system resource needs. Halo has so much sandbox type stuff going on it's amazing it can look so incredible.

This thread is missing Star Wars 131 which looks absolutely incredible and better than anything I've ever seen in real time gameplay. Watch Dogs looks almost as good too.

when did the edit: developers ship you retail copies of their games? because you're speaking like if you've played all three to completion

Halo 4 looks really, really good. 

Last of Us looks next gen. 


Normally I don't like posting press shots, but now we've seen direct-feed gameplay in HD, I'm confident we all know how good the game will look. 

crissindahouse said:
Argh_College said:
Hopefully Halo doesnt turn Killzone. We all know killzone is a mediocre game and im being generous.

Halo is amazing.

killzone with average graphics would sell horrible that's for sure. half of the people i know who bought it bought it for best ego-shooter graphics^^ (on consoles)

Well i bought 3 killzone games because i actually like to play the games although they arent really good i like them.

crissindahouse said:
leo-j said:
You 360 fanatics(stereotype) said the same exact thing about halo reach being the best looking game on a console.. and pushing the 360 to it's limit., then it came out and looked horrible next to killzone 2..

yeah maybe some said it but halo was about gameplay, open areas, great a.i. and not about super graphics dumping down the rest for that. but this time it is a huge difference and ohh yeah i hope they don't dump down other things in halo just to get better graphcis like in killzone, then they should makes graphics little bit worse instead of that.

They didn't dump down anything in kz3.. kz3 had way larger levels than kz2 and still managed to have better visuals than kz2.. and kz is known for having extreemely good a.i..

