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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Las of Us & Halo 4 Raise the Bar for Console Graphics.

Argh_College said:
Lol sony fans seem upset because Halo 4 destroys pretty much everything on Ps3.

Also Gears 3 looks as good as everything on Ps3 maybe except uc3.

no it really doesn't.. gears 2 wasn't on par with Ucnharted 1 on a technical level.. and gears 3 is probably not on par either..


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mantlepiecek said:
Argh_College said:
Hopefully Halo doesnt turn Killzone. We all know killzone is a mediocre game and im being generous.

Halo is amazing.

So what's the difference between killzone and halo for you?


I am betting you haven't even played killzone.

Acually i have all. i have loads of Ps3 exclusives and i know when a game is good. im no fanboy i just dont like fanboys so i upset them and tell them my point of view wich they usually hate. if a xbox fanboys come here and say uncharted sucks i will give my point of view and he wont like.

I perfer Xbox but that doesnt mean i dont play on my Ps3. MGS4, Uc, god of war sure these games are joys to behold i love them, they are amazing but i also love my Xbox games such as Fable 2, Gears of War, Forza, Alan Wake but multi games is were is at.

I like killzone but compared to Halo games is mediocre, online lacks everything that makes a shooter like Cod famous and i dont even play Cod anymore. Story is so bad, i like the gameplay and the graphics but now Halo can give me a exprience with everything of top as the best in is category.

Sound, Graphics, Design,Art, Online, Comands, everything shines to make it the best FPS on the planet.

leo-j said:
Argh_College said:
Lol sony fans seem upset because Halo 4 destroys pretty much everything on Ps3.

Also Gears 3 looks as good as everything on Ps3 maybe except uc3.

no it really doesn't.. gears 2 wasn't on par with Ucnharted 1 on a technical level.. and gears 3 is probably not on par either..

i dont even think you really believe that. 

You probably dont played Gears of War 3 or i dont know, but hey its your opinion and i´ll respect that, if you played both and you think that its ok i mean you are free to think whatever you want.

I played all three games of the series and the only one that has advantage above GoW3 is Uc3 and only on the sand/ship part.

As a game on SP UC3 is by far better, online not so much.

Argh_College said:
mantlepiecek said:
Argh_College said:
Hopefully Halo doesnt turn Killzone. We all know killzone is a mediocre game and im being generous.

Halo is amazing.

So what's the difference between killzone and halo for you?


I am betting you haven't even played killzone.

Acually i have all. i have loads of Ps3 exclusives and i know when a game is good. im no fanboy i just dont like fanboys so i upset them and tell them my point of view wich they usually hate. if a xbox fanboys come here and say uncharted sucks i will give my point of view and he wont like.

I perfer Xbox but that doesnt mean i dont play on my Ps3. MGS4, Uc, god of war sure these games are joys to behold i love them, they are amazing but i also love my Xbox games such as Fable 2, Gears of War, Forza, Alan Wake but multi games is were is at.

I like killzone but compared to Halo games is mediocre, online lacks everything that makes a shooter like Cod famous and i dont even play Cod anymore. Story is so bad, i like the gameplay and the graphics but now Halo can give me a exprience with everything of top as the best in is category.

Sound, Graphics, Design,Art, Online, Comands, everything shines to make it the best FPS on the planet.

Well, one of your points is definitely wrong. And that is art. Other things are much more debatable and rather not worth it, because each and every person looks at things different way, for eg I don't like CoD some others may.

Killzone 2's art especially, was much better than any other game out there at the time. And probably even now. You literaly feel like you are on an alien planet, very few games give that kind of feeling. You look at the ground, the water, the architecture, the sky (! in one level the entire scenery is green, with the sky completely green, and it actually looks awesome).

Killzone is very much one of the best FPS's on PS3 and this comes from someone who has played a lot of fps's from Halo, Cod to resistance.

mantlepiecek said:
Argh_College said:
mantlepiecek said:
Argh_College said:
Hopefully Halo doesnt turn Killzone. We all know killzone is a mediocre game and im being generous.

Halo is amazing.

So what's the difference between killzone and halo for you?


I am betting you haven't even played killzone.

Acually i have all. i have loads of Ps3 exclusives and i know when a game is good. im no fanboy i just dont like fanboys so i upset them and tell them my point of view wich they usually hate. if a xbox fanboys come here and say uncharted sucks i will give my point of view and he wont like.

I perfer Xbox but that doesnt mean i dont play on my Ps3. MGS4, Uc, god of war sure these games are joys to behold i love them, they are amazing but i also love my Xbox games such as Fable 2, Gears of War, Forza, Alan Wake but multi games is were is at.

I like killzone but compared to Halo games is mediocre, online lacks everything that makes a shooter like Cod famous and i dont even play Cod anymore. Story is so bad, i like the gameplay and the graphics but now Halo can give me a exprience with everything of top as the best in is category.

Sound, Graphics, Design,Art, Online, Comands, everything shines to make it the best FPS on the planet.

Well, one of your points is definitely wrong. And that is art. Other things are much more debatable and rather not worth it, because each and every person looks at things different way, for eg I don't like CoD some others may.

Killzone 2's art especially, was much better than any other game out there at the time. And probably even now. You literaly feel like you are on an alien planet, very few games give that kind of feeling. You look at the ground, the water, the architecture, the sky (! in one level the entire scenery is green, with the sky completely green, and it actually looks awesome).

Killzone is very much one of the best FPS's on PS3 and this comes from someone who has played a lot of fps's from Halo, Cod to resistance.

lol i don't get why you're even bothering at this point

the desperation is this thread is imo hilarious though, i'm starting to wonder if the guy who said uc 3 looked significantly worse than its e3 demo then admitted he didn't play it will even bother to respond....

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mantlepiecek said:
Millenium said:
Aldro said:
Millenium said:
Lol at some, TLOU may become king, but Halo 4 definitely beats Killzone 3 on a technical front.

Did I say technical front or "single character model front"?

Please Just wait until the game is out and DF etc did their analysis before you try to put it down with a one-liner picture.

Killzone may look good, but it lacks physics, open space etc in so many places.

It has one of the best explosions, ever in video games. I have no idea why you think it lacks physics.

It also has one of the best AI for FPS. Usually good looking games lack good AI's but killzone 2 and 3 both have an amazing AI.

It is possible that halo has a better engine running it because it's releasing in 2012 Nov, whereas Killzone 3 released in 2011 Feb. That's almost 2 years gap.

explosions in killzone can be pretty bad

BenVTrigger said:
I platinumed Killzone 3 and i can assure you Halo 4 is far more impressive thank KZ3

and im the biggest halo fan ever, and i can assure you that Killzone looks and is superior graphically than Halo

ZaneWane said:

explosions in killzone can be pretty bad

Well, physics can't be appreciated in screenshots. They have to be appreciated in motion.

€dit: wrong thread

€it 2: wait no wrong thread? wasn't argh_college banned for a minute?

Theres a lot of people around who like to talk crap.

Getting my PS3 I really expected certain games to be looking better and more impressive than my 360 games.

Hate to break it to those out there who are desperately are looking for some points over another person, but there is no real difference.

I am currently playing Uncharted 2 and just done the weird Ice creature in the ice cave. I am halfway through GOW 3. And have finished KZ2 and UC1.

Firstly loads of games this gen beat KZ2 and UC1. So that's out the way.

Now GOW3 looks awesome. Its at its best when its non controllable, or when your pressing what it wants you to but it looks great. But its not on some wierd other level graphically over titles like Gears 2 or Crysis 2 or Rage or Forza 4 or GT5 etc. Same goes for UC2. It looks great. But its just not on some other imaginary level that some media and people believe is there. Gears 2 and 3, Alan Wake, Rage, Crysis 2, GOW 3 etc all are easily UC2 equals.

Personal preference is of course anyones perogative, but so far playing PS3 catalogue the differences Ive noticed to my 360 have been controller wise. I have not noticed any graphical differences.

So far my number 1 is still Rage and Battlefield 3.

Maybe UC3 will change that?

Who knows.

Anyway concerning The Last Of Us, I hope Naughty Dog don't keep this new IP taking away the control. Its the sort of game where I don't want that to happen. Its cool in Uncharted as to get the visuals right and camera angles. But I was a little disappointed in The Last Of Us demo it seemed that player control was hampered at times, like the fisty cuffs bit and the bit where he held and shot.

Its great doing animations right. But I think Watchdogs had better animations and much more fluent gameplay.

Also Splinter Cell looked better animations but much more responsive.

I guess we will see. But it worries me Naughty Dog are taking tings to far. Uncharted 2 is better than 1 but still suffers from at least to me animation/control lag.