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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - What Third Party Dev would make a great Nintendo game?

I'd like to see Platinum Games do something crazy for Wii U, but that won't happen for at least two years. Too busy on MGR: Revengeance.


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Khuutra said:
Soleron said:
- Zelda by Blizzard's Diablo team. Actually have the combat feel dangerous and rewarding again

How would this


Why would you want

Because there would be no f---ing puzzles. I just want a sequel to Zelda I, the only Zelda game I ever liked.

I don't mean Zelda like Diablo, I mean Zelda by a team with Nintendo's polish but also experience in great combat mechanics.

RolStoppable said:
pezus said:
RolStoppable said:
The best suggestion has been Treasure and Starfox.

People who suggested PC developers to work on Nintendo games are bonkers.

Crytek and Pokémon

Blizzard and Zelda already took the cake.

It's pretty much because I was a Nintendo-only gamer for 10 years and now I'm a Blizzard-only gamer (SC2/Diablo). Haven't bought a Nintendo game since SMG2.

Silicon Knights - Eternal Darkness
Irrational Games - Metroid
Firaxis - Earthbound
Treasure - Starfox
Ubisoft (Michel Ancel Team) - Zelda
Rocksteady - Donkey Kong
Criterion Games - F-Zero
Eidos - Professor Layton
Codemasters - Mario Kart
Gas Powered Games - Pikmin

Am I missing any key Nintendo franchises that hasn't been linked to some possible 3rd party developer?

Here's one to send a shiver down your spine:

Made in Wario (Warioware) and Zynga (since they have mastered short pointless games)

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Rovio + Mario = Angry Mario

It should be casual enough for kids and grannies.

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

Soleron said:
Khuutra said:

How would this


Why would you want

Because there would be no f---ing puzzles. I just want a sequel to Zelda I, the only Zelda game I ever liked.

I don't mean Zelda like Diablo, I mean Zelda by a team with Nintendo's polish but also experience in great combat mechanics.

Click click click click click click click click click click click

Christ, you remember the original Zelda had some of the hardest and most obtuse environmental obstacles in the history of the franchise, right? You haven't gone so far as to create this imaginary narrative in which the original's difficulty was based solely on combat, have you?

axumblade said:
People Can Fly - Ice Climbers


Somebody who gets it

AndrewWK said:
Andrespetmonkey said:

E.g. 505 games + Mario

Bethesda + Pokemon could be incredible, no explanation needed!

Yeah and buggy would be a new Pokémon

Pokémon by Bioware that would be awesome.

I am glad somone quickly pointed out buggy pokemon.



Khuutra said:
Soleron said:
Khuutra said:

How would this


Why would you want

Because there would be no f---ing puzzles. I just want a sequel to Zelda I, the only Zelda game I ever liked.

I don't mean Zelda like Diablo, I mean Zelda by a team with Nintendo's polish but also experience in great combat mechanics.

Click click click click click click click click click click click

Christ, you remember the original Zelda had some of the hardest and most obtuse environmental obstacles in the history of the franchise, right? You haven't gone so far as to create this imaginary narrative in which the original's difficulty was based solely on combat, have you?

Of course I don't want a grinding Zelda where you click hundreds of times.

Yes, I know. There was a lot of that NES, no hints and no idea where to go next thing. Any modern incarnation would fix that as well as make saving easier, have a map et cetera. All I'm looking for is to be down to half a heart and running from a group of skeleton knights. I never got that feeling from ALttP onward. It's all fighting one enemy at a time where each one is a mini puzzle using some gimmick item you just got.  Also Diablo style weapon use would be pretty effective on a console, you'd have 4-5 skill buttons instead of a huge wheel of items.

I'm sure Blizzard would get a lot wrong, but they'd make the exact opposite mistakes that Nintendo have and then maybe we could see what a modern update of Zelda I would look like.