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Forums - Website Topics - Rules for warnings are WAY too strict -.-"

"dontsince someone else in the read made the same joke and got away with it"

how do yu kno this???? they likely got a warning too

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radishhead said:
I got a warning for making a parody thread once, so I understand your pain

Oh, the "Don't play 3DS under sex" thread?

It would help if you put the comment in the OP.

Is this worth a thread? What are you accomplishing? What, are you trying to rally the rabble against the site administrators? Are you trying to raise awareness to the fact that you were so unjustly warned? This is ridiculous.

Rainbow Yoshi said:
radishhead said:
I got a warning for making a parody thread once, so I understand your pain

Oh, the "Don't play 3DS under sex" thread?

Nah, that was a genuine typo :p I'll try and find the offending thread for you

Edit: Here it is -

Can't remember what it was a parody of now though

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It is trolling. You deserved that warning.

I don't know what your console of preference is, and it really doesn't matter. That comment is asking for it.

I don't get the joke.

"It's in third place" True
"It has no games" The joke?

It wasn't funny and I don't get the point you were making by saying it. It seems like a classic troll post to me. Be thankful it's just a warning.

Mods have actually been greatly lenient as of late, which I absolutely appreciate
There are, however, Some users who have trolled/spammed any other way they can claiming it as a joke. Others who babble on so much you won't even know what going to come out of their mouths. Just don't refer to anything specific. Creating a thread about it also does not bode well for you.
Anyway, many of the mods here now are actually pretty cool.

LOL, "Mouth!" Like I, for instance, as I type this you never know what's in my mouth!
It's Banoffee Pie, you sillies!

Speaking of silliness, I was not even aware of a Report button. Imagine that. On that note, you should post more on threads with Bruce Campbell avatar(s). Imagine the silliness!

Bristow9091 said:
VGKing said:
It is trolling. You deserved that warning.

I don't know what your console of preference is, and it really doesn't matter. That comment is asking for it.

I don't think some people on this forum know the difference between trolling and making a joke... trolling would imply I was posting it to bait people and start an arguement, I wasn't doing that at all. Read definitions before accusing people of something you clearly don't know -.-"

Whilst I recognised it for a joke, the rule was introduced at a time when people were over trolling by using that particular phrase. Just be glad it was a warning and take it for what it is; a pointless warning

Rudisha said:
the rule is not the pathetic factor in this equation

lol. I like this side