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Forums - Website Topics - Rules for warnings are WAY too strict -.-"

would you rather a ban???? be thankful you only get a slap on wrist. ur comment is trolling.

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Sucks, but it happens sometimes even if you really are just making a joke :(

I'm sorry to hear that, but you wanna know the reasons I got warned/banned over?

Bristow9091 said:
Rudisha said:
would you rather a ban???? be thankful you only get a slap on wrist. ur comment is trolling.

Use common sense, obviously I'd rather it be a warning than a ban, but it's stupid that it's actually considered trolling and not seen as a playful comment, that's like calling your mate a name and the police tell you off for it, when it's just playful banter... it's stupid.

there is rule that "dont say console has no games". it is a rule

That's stupid. PS3 does have no games.

I will not apologize for reporting you, though.

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Well that is a very stupid reason for a warning. Damn, people say that bout the 360 all the time. Yet they don't get warned, hmm.

RolStoppable said:
That was probably a combination of two things:

1) Moderator doesn't know you well enough.
2) Users don't know you well enough, so at least a couple hit the report button and made it look like an issue.

I never even noticed that button before.

the rule is not the pathetic factor in this equation

Well, the site has favouritism, some users get away with things, some don't. I learnt this the hard way.

I got a warning for making a parody thread once, so I understand your pain

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