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Forums - Gaming Discussion - (NEW) Hitman Trailer! - best graphics of all time? - My jaws dropped - Better than TLoU? I think so. - Updated the OP with gameplay video

It looks really fake. The textures are highly variable, some look great and some look so bad they completely cancel that out.

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pezus said:
Why does everything radiate a red cross lol? The lighting looks very weird

Something's wrong with Youtube's browser.

d21lewis said:
Anyway, I really enjoyed the trailer. I know its soul purpose was to show how awesome and deadly Agent 47 is so I'm cool with it on that level.

Those hot nuns, though......their tactics were horrendous and I'm pretty sure a couple of them were deaf. And I still don't know how they had 47 surrounded, had him out-gunned, and still wound up getting totally owned by him. I guess they weren't hired for their skills. Probably just some strippers that thought they could cash in on the bounty.

Made me laugh and i agree. 

sensebringer said:
I know this is a videogame but....seeing all that women being shot is a little disgusting to me. oh well...

And if it where men it would be ok?

Saint's Trailer was Epic, just made me so very much wanting to get the game,

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AndrewWK said:
sensebringer said:
I know this is a videogame but....seeing all that women being shot is a little disgusting to me. oh well...

And if it where men it would be ok?

Meh...That's the whole point.

I never really cared about this game, but seeing this.... well now I do

I am surprised to see so many people still get excited over cutscenes and fmv are we still in the ps1 era. I mean that's like sitting in a cinema and watching an amazing movie and getting excited and running to a videogame store and picking up the game related to that movie, which you know you would never do in real life for obvious reason.

So why then get yourself all hyped (or disappointed) over a cutscene, when you should know by now (you really should know) that just like the movie to game tie in they are only related in the slightest. But that being said the gameplay trailer does look good

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