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Forums - Website Topics - I thought we were suppose to be working to return some quality back here?

Xxain said:
@Nintendopie - The underlining problem is this sites relentless focus on unproductive garbage <------
Thats everybody, im pointing out newcomers arent growing. I started my career off here in those spam threads to, now I hate all them. I outgrew them and decided to get hands dirty with real discussion

What do you think are Spam Threads? Those fun threads? Ones that don't necessarily talk about Games or Sales, nothing of the such that you like, right?

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NintendoPie said:
VicViper said:

Not odd at all, it became the Nintendo news thread. It's not like Wii news are overflowing right now. It's basically just 3DS for now.

The 3DS thread was made by HappyD, how could it turn into the Official Nintendo News Thread which is Ryan's? I'm not sure what you meant by that. 

No no, "became the nintendo news thread" is for "nintendo news thread substituted that one as its more or like the same - 3DS news only"

It's not like they merged or something.

VicViper said:

No no, "became the nintendo news thread" is for "nintendo news thread substituted that one as its more or like the same - 3DS news only"

It's not like they merged or something.

Oh. Ohhhh! Yeah, I get it now. Thanks!

NintendoPie said:
Xxain said:
@Nintendopie - The underlining problem is this sites relentless focus on unproductive garbage <------
Thats everybody, im pointing out newcomers arent growing. I started my career off here in those spam threads to, now I hate all them. I outgrew them and decided to get hands dirty with real discussion

What do you think are Spam Threads? Those fun threads? Ones that don't necessarily talk about Games or Sales, nothing of the such that you like, right?

Its no secret that game threads are spam.. all of them. Its normal to see them but THIS site has over abused the privilage.  There are some people on this site that have like 5000 post and ive never seem em and im like where fuck this user come from * looks at post history* NOTHING but game threads. Thats not productive. If you think that the mass amount of game threads are acceptable then I cant continue to discuss with. Its spam bottomline

not even just ggame threads

Doom thread can be spam too  usaully when they are poorly written without any meaningful facts. Just dead cause I dont want one

just like game threads dooms need to go to just another unprodutive activity

M.U.G.E.N said:
Xxain said:
M.U.G.E.N said:
If you can't find something you want in vita thread you just ask, and everyone is willing to fill you in. Shocking stuff, I know. The thread deals with a lot of information on a daily basis and considering how many post/view it, looks like it's doing a good job so far. And no, almost all vita related topics outside of the OT in this site gets trolled like crazy. Even the OT is doing well without the trolls is thanks to the moderators. This is the only reason why I keep the OT going, for vita owners/fans to actually discuss and share things.

Again this is not about whether it is good or bad, liked or not but is it needed. Do you think 3 separate officials about Nintendo in nintendo forum are needed?

Well that's up to them tbh. I haven't checked them in ages but do the users find them useful? and fun?

wait there are three? :S I know a WiiU one and a Nintendo one...what's the third?

you danced around the 100% I not asking you wheter people think they are fun or are liked.

I am asking you do you believe that 3 different officials about nintendo are/were neededed in the nintendo forum. your 1st sentence here was very direct. older members dont do jack shit


lets not stop being direct.

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spurgeonryan said:
No. Padib made the official 3DS thread and he left it to die. Salnax and I just kept it going for a bit. Mine is for news not worth threads to keep the forums from being cluttered with worthless threads.

I want to ask a question - If the news is not worth its own thread shouldnt it just not be posted? your trying to find a reason to post something  you know wouldnt stand on its own,

When I read this it seem like your addicted to posting threads. wanna post everything but we dont need everything

Xxain said:
M.U.G.E.N said:
Xxain said:
M.U.G.E.N said:
If you can't find something you want in vita thread you just ask, and everyone is willing to fill you in. Shocking stuff, I know. The thread deals with a lot of information on a daily basis and considering how many post/view it, looks like it's doing a good job so far. And no, almost all vita related topics outside of the OT in this site gets trolled like crazy. Even the OT is doing well without the trolls is thanks to the moderators. This is the only reason why I keep the OT going, for vita owners/fans to actually discuss and share things.

Again this is not about whether it is good or bad, liked or not but is it needed. Do you think 3 separate officials about Nintendo in nintendo forum are needed?

Well that's up to them tbh. I haven't checked them in ages but do the users find them useful? and fun?

wait there are three? :S I know a WiiU one and a Nintendo one...what's the third?

you danced around the 100% I not asking you wheter people think they are fun or are liked.

I am asking you do you believe that 3 different officials about nintendo are/were neededed in the nintendo forum. your 1st sentence here was very direct. older members dont do jack shit


lets not stop being direct.

wait I can't be direct about something I don't know about. That's the point. I know the OT vita thread is worth it because people enjoy it, find it helpful and participate in some real good game discussions. (right now for an example, an insider Lol is giving some exclusive look into the LBP Vita beta!) I can't say anything about the OT Nintendo threads because I don't know if they serve their purpose or not. It's not dancing around the issue but being honest about it. If I may I think focusing on one aspect (a console a game etc) could potentially be more useful for generating conversations, but only the users of the OT Nintendo thread can answer if this is true or not

In-Kat-We-Trust Brigade!

"This world is Merciless, and it's also very beautiful"

For All News/Info related to the PlayStation Vita, Come and join us in the Official PSV Thread!

happydolphin said:

Spam is evil, so I agree with Capt. Groose (Khuutra) on that. At the same time, Spurge's idea is the best. Let the kids play, just give them a sandbox. The adults get their topics on the front page.

What if we created a sub-community on vgchartz where only non-spammers could post?

For spammers, a friendly word of advice. Think before you post: "Do I need to say this?" Also, try to post interesting threads more than posting and read, you'll see what interesting posts are. Then, try to mimic.

For freedom of expression, there is a clear difference between talking just to talk, and talking to express. That difference is what is bringing down the quality of the forum this far, since it weighs on the side of spamming.

spam for thought

Also felt I needed to say this: Then again, I only say all this because I know the potential for great discussion this place still has. YOU OLD TIMERS, get your lazy bums to create good content for the community. And you spammers, don't let their threads drown in heaps of useless topics!

yea,but all of that is so subjective. what someone  thinks of as spam,might no be considered spam to someone else. what exactly consistent of a useless topic/spam in your eyes? what do you consider good content? so,my point is it's all in the eye of the beholder.

spurgeonryan said:
Some things are really cool and should be seen, but are just not worth throwing out screenshots for etrian odyssey or new characters announced for another game or a box art releases for a different game. That is the reasons some threads do lousy here. People make bad choices for threads with crap no others want to talk about. But that is the blame game again.

Are you really arguing about official threads though? We have discussions and we post information in them. Real big news gets its own threads. Let's just keep this on the off topic sections where we can both agree needs some work. Official threads are fine.

official threads should be used only for games and events(E3) nothing else. whats wrong  with off topic...minus a actual not NSFW section

spurgeonryan said:
Some things are really cool and should be seen, but are just not worth throwing out screenshots for etrian odyssey or new characters announced for another game or a box art releases for a different game. That is the reasons some threads do lousy here. People make bad choices for threads with crap no others want to talk about. But that is the blame game again.

Are you really arguing about official threads though? We have discussions and we post information in them. Real big news gets its own threads. Let's just keep this on the off topic sections where we can both agree needs some work. Official threads are fine.

I like your movie threads spurgeonryan.