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happydolphin said:

Spam is evil, so I agree with Capt. Groose (Khuutra) on that. At the same time, Spurge's idea is the best. Let the kids play, just give them a sandbox. The adults get their topics on the front page.

What if we created a sub-community on vgchartz where only non-spammers could post?

For spammers, a friendly word of advice. Think before you post: "Do I need to say this?" Also, try to post interesting threads more than posting and read, you'll see what interesting posts are. Then, try to mimic.

For freedom of expression, there is a clear difference between talking just to talk, and talking to express. That difference is what is bringing down the quality of the forum this far, since it weighs on the side of spamming.

spam for thought

Also felt I needed to say this: Then again, I only say all this because I know the potential for great discussion this place still has. YOU OLD TIMERS, get your lazy bums to create good content for the community. And you spammers, don't let their threads drown in heaps of useless topics!

yea,but all of that is so subjective. what someone  thinks of as spam,might no be considered spam to someone else. what exactly consistent of a useless topic/spam in your eyes? what do you consider good content? so,my point is it's all in the eye of the beholder.