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Forums - Website Topics - I thought we were suppose to be working to return some quality back here?


Have patience change is coming. You will know it when you see it.

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naznatips all but eliminated the spam threads. Times were good back then. Machina was lax on them. They became a problem. As long as the MLP thread is left alone I'm fine with deleting any thread that would make the site better

The vita news is the only reason i keep coming back, although with all the vita hate it's getting harder. Calming its death with a mere 3 months on the world wide market, it's sadding  and sick. I'm mean really, what happened to gamers? Where we always this way? Has the anonymous nature of the internet shown our true colors? I don't care about most of the topics the OP is complaining about, but the trolling death topics have got to stop. Hate coming here because of them.

Khuutra, show some respect and respond to me

Rudisha said:
that doesn't make sense . why wuld people leave if there used to be good discussion? They left because they got old, bored & tired. they would have left even with 'good discussion' going on. if people want to come talk about discussion , they can still do so . it's that there hasn't been much worth discussing. ASk yourself: what's happening in the gaming industry right now? nothing right now. the gen is become boring. e3 is coming though

You are just a peach

People drift away from forums when those forums can no longer hold their attentions. If the industry was at fault, that would imply that all gaming forums would be seeing the same slump in activity. They aren't. The other forums I browse/post in maintain their levels of activity admirably while also fostering good discussion.

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Oh snap! Change is coming!

I'm an advocate for motion controls, Nintendo, and Kicking freaking Toad to the Moon!

3DS Friend Code - 0860-3269-1286

Rudisha said:
kuutra why did you ignore my last post? are you afraid of failure?

LOL! Khuutra afraid of failure? Those words shouldn't be in the same sentence!

I don't believe you. What are these so-called forums you speak of? I wiLL check myself. You may be talking out of the side of your neck.

Rudisha said:
I don't believe you. What are these so-called forums you speak of? I wiLL check myself. You may be talking out of the side of your neck.

You shouldn't make these assumptions. No matter how odd Khuutra's claims are, I've never seen him be totally dis-honest.

I'm pretty sure he's talking about the Gaf, though.

No offence, but you could both be lying. I don't know either of you personally. That's why I'll just check myself.