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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Seriously why did Sony release the PS VITA?


Did Sony make a mistake?

Yes, they shouldn't have released it 38 17.12%
No, lets just wait till E3 83 37.39%
When was the last time th... 73 32.88%
see results 28 12.61%

I personally think they should have just left it to Nintendo to work the handheld market. That way they can solely focus on netting a profit from the PS3 and future PS4. The Vita is a great piece of hardware but with the way it looks, it just doesn't belong in the market right now. Smartphones are gaining momentum in the gaming industry so it's only more competition to worry about.

Vita is dying unfortunately and it looks to only get worse. It's currently selling below a dying console and is in line with an essentially dead one. Hopefully they can somehow bounce back with this handheld because its looking like Sony might have a dead weight on their hands.

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I agree with you,but you should give it at least a year,then come back to this thread.

One thing I dislike about Sony is that they create things like Eyetoy, Move, an HDD for PS2, and more and they either don't support them, market them poorly, or don't let the devices live up to their full potential. It gets frustrating after a while.

With the Vita, we don't need ads for that "Cool looking guy walking around playing a PSP". NOBODY liked those ads. We need ads telling us "It's not PSP, it's PSV!" We need retail games that come with a free copy of Vita games. We need people to see games like SFxT that show Vita guys playing online vs. PS3 gamers. We need games that show off Wii U style controls before the Wii U even releases. Show us that Remote Play is actually stable and useful, now. Show the fucking graphics for Pete's sake--I don't think I've seen a single commercial that showed how good PSV games look compared to 3DS/PSP. I could go on and on!

Remember those Kinect ads that showed people talking face to face with Kinect, scanning stuff into their games, choosing clothes with their friends, talking to the device, etc.? Remember the Wii ads that showed an old guy waking up in the middle of the night to play Rayman Raving Rabbids? Sony needs to do THAT. Show some casual person doing all of the cool things a Vita can do without a second thought!

When they release the software that takes advantage of the hardware (It will be poorly advertised, though. Count on that.) you'll see why they released the Vita.

I almost never vote on any poll I see on VGChartz, even the ones that I make. I don't even bother to see the results. In this particular instance, I'm going to choose "When was the last time they didn't make a mistake?" because time and time again, Sony does something that makes me say "What the fuck?"

For all of their success, sometimes I think Sony became the industry leader by accident. They succeed in spite of their mistakes and because of the stupid decisions of others, it seems. Others learn from their mistakes and correct them. Sony.....goddammit. I'm getting frustrated just thinking about them. SONY, GET IT TOGETHER, GODDAMMIT!!

d21lewis said:
One thing I dislike about Sony is that they create things like Eyetoy, Move, an HDD for PS2, and more and they either don't support them, market them poorly, or don't let the devices live up to their full potential. It gets frustrating after a while.

With the Vita, we don't need ads for that "Cool looking guy walking around playing a PSP". NOBODY liked those ads. We need ads telling us "It's not PSP, it's PSV!" We need retail games that come with a free copy of Vita games. We need people to see games like SFxT that show Vita guys playing online vs. PS3 gamers. We need games that show off Wii U style controls before the Wii U even releases. Show us that Remote Play is actually stable and useful, now. Show the fucking graphics for Pete's sake--I don't think I've seen a single commercial that showed how good PSV games look compared to 3DS/PSP. I could go on and on!

Remember those Kinect ads that showed people talking face to face with Kinect, scanning stuff into their games, choosing clothes with their friends, talking to the device, etc.? Remember the Wii ads that showed an old guy waking up in the middle of the night to play Rayman Raving Rabbids? Sony needs to do THAT. Show some casual person doing all of the cool things a Vita can do without a second thought!

When they release the software that takes advantage of the hardware (It will be poorly advertised, though. Count on that.) you'll see why they released the Vita.

I don't think sony advertising poorly on purpose,they just can't afford great advertisement in my opinion. They just don't have the budget that a microsoft has. I could be wrong,but i"ve always thought that.

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oldschoolfool said:

I don't think sony advertising poorly on purpose,they just can't afford great advertisement in my opinion. They just don't have the budget that a microsoft has. I could be wrong,but i"ve always thought that.

Before the Vita, I remember reading somewhere on this site that Vita would have the "Biggest advertising budget ever" as far as a Sony product was concerned.  I had hope fore them.  Then I saw the ads.  They showed them all of the time whenever I watched TV.  They barely even showed the device.  Just some guy walking out of his house, playing what may as well have been a PSP while he walked to work or something.  It seemed more like an ad for walking than a game console!

They actually advertised the Vita a lot.  It's just that the ads were so poor that nobody even looked up when they came on TV.  They didn't stand out, catch your eye, or anything.

You know, I was just about to post the commercial but when I googled "Vita commercial", I saw what could actually be some decent commercials for other countries outside of the USA.  I'll have to check some of them out.  I just watched the 30 second Uncharted commercial (which got ZERO advertising, here).  It showed Uncharted GA's gameplay for a whopping two seconds!

no adverts? i saw so many adverts on tv here in germany it's crazy. (ok always the same but every day)

TheFallen said:
How quickly people forget what a mess the 3DS was in this time LAST YEAR. Like 3DS, give the Vita some time!

The PSV's situation is far worse than the 3DS' was last year.  With the exception of the immediate pre-price cut weeks (which I don't think are a fair comparison to current Vita), the 3DS' media create numbers never went close to where the Vita is now at about 6k a week.  See this:

There is also the fact that as the PSV wasn't out when the 3DS was struggling, the 3DS was just squandering it's head start, rather than falling behind as the Vita is as we speak.

Finally, and in my opinion most importantly, the 3DS had since it's announcement at least one mega system seller awaiting release in the near future (Mario Kart 7, and later Super Mario 3D Land after the 3DS launch) along with a load of medium-high profile games (Kingdom Hearts, Resident Evil x 2, Animal Crossing, etc).  Out of the 3DS' mega sellers, only MH3G wasn't known during the system's dark days.  The Vita doesn't yet have an equivilent, the future hopes are pinned on getting a Monster Hunter game (unlikely for at least 18 months), a GTA (quite likely to be revealed at E3 IMO, but still not announced), Souls Sacrifice (looks amazing but won't be a massive system seller) and CoD (big series, but as a whole people are divided on it's sales capability and won't help in Japan).

Don't get me wrong, I dislike this Vita doom talk and I personally expect the Vita to carve out a nice niche market, albeit it a small one.  However, the 3DS was in a far far better situation even at it's worst than the PSV it at the moment.  However, E3 and TGS will be crucial and could potentially put a lot of this doom talk to rest.

This thread is getting old. It's the same shit, again and again. Some people just never get it.

4 ≈ One

Rath said:
Same reason Nintendo released the 3DS too early - they thought hardware and brand name would be enough to sell units for the first year.

Both companies were wrong, Nintendo has however done a better job of acknowledging and fixing their mistake so far.

Right, though this E3 would be a good opportunity for Sony to address the problems at hand. Given that the console generation is fading, this presentation should be more Vita-focused.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.