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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Seriously why did Sony release the PS VITA?


Did Sony make a mistake?

Yes, they shouldn't have released it 38 17.12%
No, lets just wait till E3 83 37.39%
When was the last time th... 73 32.88%
see results 28 12.61%

If they knew they couldn't provide any good games. The thing is over priced, it has no games, and there are no ads on tv. Hell, 99% of my friends have never heard of PS VITA!!   It does not worth 250$  the browser is slow, the video quality is worse than 3ds'.   So why did Sony release the Vita?

To lose money?   They did achieve that. That's what they're best at.


Edit: Don't get me wrong guys, I'm not hating on Sony. I just think that they made a big mistake. They're just digging their own grave imo.

I trust no one, not even myself.

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Probably more to protect their brand. If you aren't continually innovating and releasing new stuff your brand can easily be forgotten by the masses. That, and I don't think Sony quite expected the PSvita to sell so poorly

best OP....EVER?

I mean you would insult you, but seriously, after that OP, anything I could say or think of would be completely redundant

Dangerous thread my friend, dangerous thread.

It's a portable porn playing machine, why else would Sony gives it such a nice screen other then see everything in high detail?

Former something....

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I guess the figured they could provide an experience that was different from what the 3DS was offering. They probably also thought that the hardware (which is REALLY good--after a few months with it, I think it's almost perfect) would offer enough horsepower and features to entice third parties to really push the system. They probably didn't want to just give the market to Nintendo, either.

The PSP was a success. Even though the future wasn't certain, it just made sense to follow up a success. They just should have done it at the same time or before the 3DS. They didn't capitalize on Nintendo's mistakes the way Nintendo/Microsoft capitalized on their mistakes with the PS3.

If the Vita had launched along side the 3DS for the same price and launch library vs. launch library, things may have been different......until Mario 3D Land and Mario Kart hit.

FattyDingDong said:

Hell, 99% of my friends have never heard of PS VITA!!  

Do you have over a hundred friends that you've polled, or has only a fraction of a single friend ever heard of the VITA?

Oh, and the video quality is better than the 3DS. You can also put your own movies on the Vita AND buy/rent HD movies from the PSN (aka SEN). It's just that many of the Vita's features are available and are better on Smartphones so they don't even get used on the Vita. That's the case with me, at least. I have a 3G Vita and I've yet to use Netflix or Twitter on the device.

Because they are going to make it a success and they want to steal marketshare from Nintendo.

Did you forget how bad the 3DS was selling last year? Not as bad as Vita but still.....
This will pass.

Same reason Nintendo released the 3DS too early - they thought hardware and brand name would be enough to sell units for the first year.

Both companies were wrong, Nintendo has however done a better job of acknowledging and fixing their mistake so far.