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Forums - General Discussion - What do you hate about the person above you? Feces just got real up in here!

Listens to game soundtracks for fun.

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In love with Batman the series specifically that of brute men, who also inconspicuously make air love to his Eye Petzzzzz which, btw, still no platinum trophy earned

argue like children

 Been away for a bit, but sneaking back in.

Gaming on: PS4, PC, 3DS. Got a Switch! Mainly to play Smash

Doesn't like to punctuate.

Future otaku arsonist for the love of Kakashi which rhymes with bukake and sushi. Obviously, adores Japanese porn, too

Around the Network

Reminds me of a time when I too much hair.

Wants to listen to Maroon 5's brand new album

 Been away for a bit, but sneaking back in.

Gaming on: PS4, PC, 3DS. Got a Switch! Mainly to play Smash

Thinks I knew they were even still together.

doesn't know that hip hop still alive and refuses to believe so

Doesn't know that Maroon 5 is more of a Pop band than a Hip-hop band

 Been away for a bit, but sneaking back in.

Gaming on: PS4, PC, 3DS. Got a Switch! Mainly to play Smash