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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo E3 2012 Conference - E3 is Dead. Long Live Nintendo Direct!

Yeah it will probally be able to turn it off.

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Pokemonbrawlvg said:
I don't see Eternal Darkness 2 in that screenshot. It's more like an FPS.

Also, is that a Grenadier guard? Behind it I think it's a monster.

That monster kind of looks like this to me:


Or we could be focusing on minute things that don't matter at all...

I thought it was the best contoller of the last generation. Only thing I didn't like were the notches of the analoug sticks.

Il ike some elements of he network but i doubt it will replace the big media like facebook and twitter. i hope you can turn off the strgangers comments. Also i love the smw background of the 2d mario.

crissindahouse said:
NintendoPie said:
crissindahouse said:

btw damn that other controller really looks like the 360 one. not exactly because of the other position of th b uttons and right stick but what can i say? the best controller ever made, if it is only half as good i thank nintendo for that. since i plan to buy a wii u i am happy about that.

It also kind of looks like that.

not really lol? there is nothing which looks like it^^

What? It totally looks like it. I think the point here is that the new controller looks more like the wavebird than the classic controller for the Wii looks. I for one am among the people that thought the classic controller, ergonomically speaking, was a step down from the wavebird. This new controller seems to be going back in that direction.

And on the subject of the 360 controller. Don't get me started. A little research on the history of the video game controller will tell you that the 360 controller copies previous Nintendo designs in many ways. So it is unfair to say this controller looks like a 360, I think it is the other way around.  

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so here is what i got out of the presentation.

1. wii U tablet gamepad to indeed have proper analog including being clickable.  good stuff.

2. the RFID rumor was indeed true

3. Iwata said you'll be able to "enjoy your games from anywhere in your living room you are most comfortable" which implied to me games are fully streamed and therefore tethered to the console.  not unexpected but dismisses a few rumors i would think.

4. no mention of supporting a 2nd wii U gamepad.  while not direct confirmation it is a pretty conspicuous absence imo for a presentation specifically about wii U's hardware capabilities.

5. wii U pro controller (pretty much a 360 controller).  unexpected for sure.  i don't remember any rumors around that.

6. BB, wiimote, nun-chuck support.  classic controller not mentioned although not too unexpected following 5.  motion plus not explictly mentioned either but i'm not sure that means anything.

6. miiverse.  imo it looks exactly like the messaging system used in demon's/dark souls.  i'll say the messaging does to a lot for those games but they also restrict what is said.  as iwata said, spoilers seems like an obvious issue.

7. miiverse integration with web devices.  i got really excited for a second when i saw the smartphones but basically this means the nintendo netword will have a web component like live and psn.

8. "facetime".  nintendo better be careful ... this will be a pedo dream.


opinion wise:

the number of perhiphrials already seems daunghting; wii gamepad, wii mote, nun chuck, balance board, pro controller.  i know BC is included with the wii  but i'm already down a wii mote and the amount of space needed is a lot.  

the nintendo network seems a bit more feature rich than i was expecting.  still, miiverse is probably going to be pretty bare bones from what i personally expect MS to announce.  having the second screen will certainly have it's advantage though.


anyways, awaiting the games.  i want to see it's graphical capabilities.  so far not great, not bad.

Just saw the presentation thanks to youtube.

Pretty sweet overall, was hoping it'd be longer than a measly half hour though! I know they're saying the bulk of it for the actual scheduled E3 date, but I would have hoped they would have explained more about the online system like achievements/points, DLC, gamertags, etc, and maybe even some tech information on the hardware, though I guess you can't really expect Nintendo to talk much about this.

- As for the pro controller - lol I see they may have had just a bit of influence from the 360 controller, I honestly thought that's what I was looking at at first. Looks pretty solid though, nothing special, but effective, particularly with those multiplatform third party games. I have to wonder though, how much support will this controller get? Man, between this, the Wiimote, nunchuck, and the game pad, I'm going to have a ton of controllers lying around the house, though I guess that isn't much of a change from the Wii..

- I am definitely liking the concept of having the in game text, and intrigued as to how far they run with this idea, if it'll be like Demon Souls where messages are laying around everywhere.

- I'm starting to see some potential in that tablet, between streaming games directly onto it so you can play your games sprawled on the couch or when the TV is in use, to interacting with games, acting as a second screen, browser use, etc. You've definitely got my attention, Nintendo, now show me the damn games!

Wow, this thread has so many responses and E3 hasn't even started yet!

What could you all possibly be talking about 20 pages in?

RolStoppable said:
noname2200 said:
Pokemonbrawlvg said:
The Pro controller's purpose is different from the 360's and PS3's.

In what way, exactly?

Its purpose is to bring third party games to a Nintendo console.

It's a chunk of plastic, not a miracle worker...

@Kenology Early responses were during the conference. Afterwards, people talking/debating about the Pro controller, a small part of the entire conference. I'm sure it was the same with the Classic Controller Pro.

Read my original story on Fictionpress (Shinigami Twin): 

As well as my other one (Hell's Punishment):

Nintendo Network ID: kingofe3