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Are we expecting anything new to be announced at the 3DS conference, or just extra info on what we already know?

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A little new a bit old, since that how it seems it is going. And with the 3DS they will want to concentrate on the stuff the is coming soon as in the next few months. Since Nintendo seems content with revealing stuff using Nintendo Direct.

Well, some confirmation on games like Ace Attorney v Professor Layton and Ace Attorney 5 would be nice. I don't know if they did yet, but a specific date on Paper Mario, and maybe a new Zelda on the 3ds, one can only hope.

As far as the Wii U is concerned, do you think Pikmin 3 & Mario Bros U will be good system sellers? The ports are just ports. People who already have the game probably won't get them again for the Wii U, or be convinced to buy it.

If anything, the conference taught me something valuable, when a new console is set to released, get all the casual fun stuff out of the way first. To me, that's the initial foundation for long term success, and for subsequent years/E3s the focus will be on core games and franchises. So, I think when next-gen xbox/ps comes out, their presentation will be much the same, casual glory, and the following year actual core games.

Right now though, I think the Wii U is a strong frontrunner. I'm basing this off how great Pikmin 3 looks, but once people have a stronger hand on the technology I expect some great titles and new IPs from Nintendo and 3rd Parties. If anything, I hope they have enough to fill the gap between after Xmas and 2013 summer.

Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward = best game ever made.

I will probably get Batman:AC, even though I have it for the 360. It does include all of the DLC which would be worth most of the price of the game. Pikmin 3 and Mario is also good enough for me to get.

WOW MARio a launch title, so sweet - Pikmin 3 too, nice.. plus Nintendoland possibly bundle... this is all great!


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I'm not expecting anything new from the 3ds conference. They should have split the conference into 20 min 3ds and 40 min of WiiU with short fast transitions of Reggie explaining each games showing clips of gameplay as hes explaining then end with ZombiU and myamotto with Pikmin 3.

You could take the same info at e3 but presented better would have made all the difference. My guess is someone is paying Nintendo to get exclusive game reveals or something. I can't believe Nintendo had a year and they couldn't come up with a few playable tech demos of Metroid, Zelda or even a 3d Mario. I would have been happy with a bait and switch just give us some indication of the power of your new system.

pokeclaudel said:


Oh that looks gorgeous!!! That's how I want Mario to look like! Perhaps not all desert, but they should really do a game like this!!

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

pokeclaudel said:
NintendoPie said:
pokeclaudel said:

I want something like the SSBB 2.5D levels except more detailed and not as dull. They could easily do it they basically have all the character models from galaxy just update the textures and put them on a 2.5D plane. If anything It's only mildly more work then what they were doing. Maybe invent a new enemy or type of koopa.

Introducing a new type of enemy that takes a little more strategy to kill wouldf be nice. The Koopa has to stay though, it's a staple.

I'm also sure NSMB is already considered a 2.5D game.

No it isn't a 2.5D game this is what a 2.5D game looks like. 

What the hell? Why haven't they done a game like this before?! This looks awesome in so many ways!!! It's like an Open World 2D Platformer! OW2DP!!

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

DanneSandin said:
pokeclaudel said:
NintendoPie said:
pokeclaudel said:

I want something like the SSBB 2.5D levels except more detailed and not as dull. They could easily do it they basically have all the character models from galaxy just update the textures and put them on a 2.5D plane. If anything It's only mildly more work then what they were doing. Maybe invent a new enemy or type of koopa.

Introducing a new type of enemy that takes a little more strategy to kill wouldf be nice. The Koopa has to stay though, it's a staple.

I'm also sure NSMB is already considered a 2.5D game.

No it isn't a 2.5D game this is what a 2.5D game looks like. 

What the hell? Why haven't they done a game like this before?! This looks awesome in so many ways!!! It's like an Open World 2D Platformer! OW2DP!!

The Paper Mario game for the Wii was like this.

Well you never know, just like the 3DS took up some time during the Wii U software hour, maybe they will drop some stuff about Wii U during the 3DS hour.