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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo E3 2012 Conference - E3 is Dead. Long Live Nintendo Direct!

Walkthrublazer3 said:

Alright I think I've calmed down fully now. Nintendo's conference today really upset me and really made me question if I even wanted to get the Wii U  . I'm going to give the Nintendo the benefit of the doubt. There are 4 titles that I want for the Wii U and that should hold me over for a while.

Nintendo is just such a enigmatic company.

The 3DS had a weak launch but we knew great games were coming.

The Wii-U is has a pretty good launch lineup but we have no clue whats going to be coming out afterwards.

Hopefully Nintendo releases more info on coming games in the months ahead.


I learned something important today. I realized that I hyped myself up to insane levels like I never have before. I never understood why people hated Twilight Princess. I only recently started to read gaming threads and really get invovled in the gaming community. I only watched one or two trailers for Twilight Princess and I never got invovled with all the hype. Those people created unreal expectations and when they were not met people of course complained and moaned. I became one of the people these past few months. Don't get me wrong. I still don't think Nintendo had a good conference. But I'm also to blame for getting way to hyped.

So I apollogize for all my harsh and overly vile comments that I made today.

Edit. Forgot to mention this but when I first played Twilight Princess I completely fell in love with it. To this day it's still my second favorite 3D Zelda, Majora's Mask being my first.

Good job! Now you are not acting like HappyD! 

Hopefully he appologizes...

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Walkthrublazer3 said:

Alright I think I've calmed down fully now. Nintendo's conference today really upset me and really made me question if I even wanted to get the Wii U  . I'm going to give the Nintendo the benefit of the doubt. There are 4 titles that I want for the Wii U and that should hold me over for a while.

Nintendo is just such a enigmatic company.

The 3DS had a weak launch but we knew great games were coming.

The Wii-U is has a pretty good launch lineup but we have no clue whats going to be coming out afterwards.

Hopefully Nintendo releases more info on coming games in the months ahead.


I learned something important today. I realized that I hyped myself up to insane levels like I never have before. I never understood why people hated Twilight Princess. I only recently started to read gaming threads and really get invovled in the gaming community. I only watched one or two trailers for Twilight Princess and I never got invovled with all the hype. Those people created unreal expectations and when they were not met people of course complained and moaned. I became one of the people these past few months. Don't get me wrong. I still don't think Nintendo had a good conference. But I'm also to blame for getting way to hyped.

So I apollogize for all my harsh and overly vile comments that I made today.

Edit. Forgot to mention this but when I first played Twilight Princess I completely fell in love with it. To this day it's still my second favorite 3D Zelda, Majora's Mask being my first.

Every Nintendo fan (real Nintendo fan) i've known has gone through one of these moments. A drink of water and a few deep breaths usually fixes things.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

RolStoppable said:
noname2200 said:
RolStoppable said:

Darth called DKCR the current standard for 2D platformers and also talked about sales. That's comedy gold right there.

At least he had the grace to not point to Rayman Origins instead. *shrug*

Oh yeah. Now that was an overrated game. Got 20 bonus points on Metacritic simply for not being a Nintendo platformer. You can only jump at two different levels of height. What a joke.

I'm pretty sure many Nintnedo Fans on this site would actually agree with the non-Mario point of view. Really, we are buying the same darn games again.

morenoingrato said:

I'm pretty sure many Nintnedo Fans on this site would actually agree with the non-Mario point of view. Really, we are buying the same darn games again.

Which I think everyone has already noticed.

For some reason they still sell... which is odd... *sarcasm*

And now to put GreaseMonkey to use

I'm glad we haven't changed the forum enough to cripple WoW's Ignore User function

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Khuutra said:
RolStoppable said:
PSwii60 said:

Animal Crossing split-screen multiplayer was also shown, as well as Donkey Kong Crash Course (Arcade-like), but then remember in May Iwata couldn’t promise “overwhelmingly rich” Wii U launch titles

This doesn't excuse not showing any 2013 games though. People like to see what they are buying into, so an outlook for the entire first year of a system doesn't hurt at all.

To keep everyone updated, the first 20 minutes of the 2006 conference (including the pre-show in this timing) are great

I mean they showed off as many Wii games as they could in a very short space of time, even if we never really ended up seeing some of them

But we saw Fire Emblem, Mario Galaxy, Excitebots, Metroid Prime 3, Zelda, Project HAMMER, Disaster

Oh God

Thinking back, was this the last time a Nintendo conference really blew me away? It couldn't be, right? This was six years ago.

Indeed, 2006 was amazing and they still haven't topped it. Tons of new Wii games revealed, more shown of the Wiimote and features, lots of games crammed into a very short time. 2010 was the second best in recent history with the Epic Mickey/DKC/Goldeneye showing, but they still haven't even gotten near the epicness of 06..

It's also about polish and innovation without damaging the basics.

NSMBU-2 are lazy games, they could have looked better, some slight changes could have been done, and that's it.

Paper Mario chages the whole structure of the game.

So what's  VGChartz general opinion about NSMB U?

Why don't you make like a tree and get out of here?

RolStoppable said:

Oh yeah. Now that was an overrated game. Got 20 bonus points on Metacritic simply for not being a Nintendo platformer. You can only jump at two different levels of height. What a joke.

I liked Origins well enough, but the praise was definitely out of proportion to the game's quality. I kind of assume it's because a lot of the more vocal advocates haven't recently played many 2D platformers beyond the indie stuff.

PhantomLink said:

So what's  VGChartz general opinion about NSMB U?

So far I'm digging it, although I haven't had a chance to examine it in any depth. I'm definitely going to disable the social media stuff though.