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after Sony's and MS conference, it looks like Ninty should take home the crown, though UBISOFT will give them a run for their money

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arcane_chaos said:
after Sony's and MS conference, it looks like Ninty should take home the crown, though UBISOFT will give them a run for their money

Yep, I hated the host and co-host of Ubi's conference, but game's wise and surprise-wise Ubi's the one to beat.

Food for thought: Shove an apple in your brain

I rather enjoyed Sony's conference!
Jack Tretton's humble and respectable attitude went a long way (for me) to sell what they had to show.
Last of Us looks Amazing! God of War looks fun, as does Sly Cooper. Playstation Battle Royale looks less fun than Smash Bros. so far, and that book thing is an interesting concept but doesn't look like something I'd buy.

Owning a Sony smart phone, I am interested to see how they plan to bring the "playstation experience" over to such devices.

Funnily enough, the Naval Battle demo got me much more excited about Assassin's Creed than I was after Ubisoft's conference, even though it's still the only game by Ubi coming to Wii U that I'm considering purchasing so far.

Until you've played it, every game is a system seller!

the original trolls

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mini-games on consoles, cinematic games on handhelds, what's next? GameBoy IMAX?

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Considering the competition, a Pikmin 3 trailer + Retro's new game would be enough to win XD (for me at least).





Sony's conference was solid, but yes, the lack of any secrets or surprises really hurt them in the end. I like how they poked fun at this fact when they were demoing the Book.

Also, the book's demo hiccups were pretty funny.

But that Last of Us gameplay demo was pretty darn great. Definitely the highlight of their conference.

So far I'd rank them like this:

1. Ubisoft: 8/10 (Great)
2. Sony: 7/10 (Good)
3. EA: 5/10 (Average)
4. Microsoft: 4/10 (Below Average)

Around the Network
gumby_trucker said:
I rather enjoyed Sony's conference!
Jack Tretton's humble and respectable attitude went a long way (for me) to sell what they had to show.
Last of Us looks Amazing! God of War looks fun, as does Sly Cooper. Playstation Battle Royale looks less fun than Smash Bros. so far, and that book thing is an interesting concept but doesn't look like something I'd buy.

Owning a Sony smart phone, I am interested to see how they plan to bring the "playstation experience" over to such devices.

Funnily enough, the Naval Battle demo got me much more excited about Assassin's Creed than I was after Ubisoft's conference, even though it's still the only game by Ubi coming to Wii U that I'm considering purchasing so far.

I agree - Sony's conference was mostly enjoyable. Less Wonderbook and some surprise first-party Vita exclusives probably would've made it very hard to beat, though.

But this year it seems that Nintendo has a lot to show. Apparently enough to have an entire seperate conferece just for 3DS software. O.O

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wasn't Playstation Battle Royale coming to Vita a surprise?
It certainly seemed that way...

Until you've played it, every game is a system seller!

the original trolls

Wii FC: 4810 9420 3131 7558
MHTri: name=BOo BoO/ID=BZBLEX/region=US

mini-games on consoles, cinematic games on handhelds, what's next? GameBoy IMAX?

Official Member of the Pikmin Fan Club

This is actually the first time in years that I've decided not to watch Sony and MS press conferences, judging from the bad press I've been reading about them. Just killed any hype I had about them. Luckily Ubisoft of all companies had a surprise success, though their annoying hosts and that e-sports thing dragged it down a bit.

Looks like literally all Nintendo has to do at this point is show off the next NSMB for Wii U to steal the show lol.. Though obviously, a new Smash Bros, Mario Kart, Metroid, DKC, etc, wouldn't hurt either :P