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Sorry for the really really fucked up sentence structure... and grammar... and everything else

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Stefl1504 said:
Also Radish, I wanted to remind you, we still are waiting for those rereads of some people you only made one so far, you don't want to be a liar, do you?

Thats a fake promise not a lie Stefl.

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nen-suer said:
Stefl1504 said:
Also Radish, I wanted to remind you, we still are waiting for those rereads of some people you only made one so far, you don't want to be a liar, do you?

Thats a fake promise not a lie Stefl.

But it also is kind of a lie, doesn't matter though, he did lie when he said he is going to make one tomorrow, and I am sure he did say that at least once.

Also, fake promise if you are knowing that you are not going to keep it = a lie

Stefl1504 said:
nen-suer said:
Stefl1504 said:
Also Radish, I wanted to remind you, we still are waiting for those rereads of some people you only made one so far, you don't want to be a liar, do you?

Thats a fake promise not a lie Stefl.

But it also is kind of a lie, doesn't matter though, he did lie when he said he is going to make one tomorrow, and I am sure he did say that at least once.

Also, fake promise if you are knowing that you are not going to keep it = a lie

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Vote Today To Help Get A Konami & SEGA Game Localized.This Will Only Work If Lots Of People Vote.

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nen-suer said:
Stefl1504 said:
nen-suer said:
Stefl1504 said:
Also Radish, I wanted to remind you, we still are waiting for those rereads of some people you only made one so far, you don't want to be a liar, do you?

Thats a fake promise not a lie Stefl.

But it also is kind of a lie, doesn't matter though, he did lie when he said he is going to make one tomorrow, and I am sure he did say that at least once.

Also, fake promise if you are knowing that you are not going to keep it = a lie


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radishhead said:
Come on, NinPie just admitted that he doesn't feel like reading the thread anymore- isn't it worth lynching a flavour cop that isn't interested in the game than risking lynching (because I appreciate that you guys don't know that I'm town) an unlimited use jailkeeper?

Vote: NinPie

@Baalz, you realise that if you get me lynched then you're going to be the target tomorrow? You too Linkz and Trucks - just because you know that I'm telling the truth about my role, and you realise that it'd be a huge advantage to you if I were to die, you don't all have to go into moronic tunnel mode just to make sure that your plan is complete. Imagine that I'm lynched right now, within the next 50 posts or so, and I am flipped to be exactly what I said I was. Maybe then you'd wish that one of you had played a more subtle approach regarding my lynch train than what you've currently displayed. Because what Mafia comes down to is perception of others, and following my lynch there will be a LOT more information to go on, not from Cop roles, but from the way that you've essentially revealed your intentions today. Now you can't say that you were just "following the crowd" on this one; you 3 made up the entire crowd; making it seem like there was a case, when there wasn't. I must admit though, the coordination of this attack is very good - I suppose that the Mafia can talk during the daytime in this round.

@Prof: It seems that Rainbow Dash has been misinterpreting my playstyle as much as all of you guys

The thing is though, you aren't going to flip town, and even if you would, I would have been destined to be screwed this game.

Money can't buy happiness. Just video games, which make me happy.

Sorry about the lack of posting. Two jobs and summer classes will do that to you.

So I've trying catching up, and through all of this RadishHead and NintendoPie really aren't in a good position. Moreno's up there as well (seeing as he's MIA, but unlike Noctis I actually know he's playing to begin with ), but for now I'm going to vote on what people have said rather on what they haven't. I feel like NintyPie's playstyle of the game is hurting him more than his actual words, but playstyle is a major part of the game so shape up mister!

This just leaves Radish, who's done some odd things the past couple of days. Mario and Mantle have explained the situation rather well. So for now...

Vote: RadishHead

That puts him at L-1 for those who aren't paying attention.

Money can't buy happiness. Just video games, which make me happy.

Stefl1504 said:

Plz stay with me tonight coze i have a feeling i wont be here tomorow.

Vote to Localize — SEGA and Konami Polls

Vote Today To Help Get A Konami & SEGA Game Localized.This Will Only Work If Lots Of People Vote.

Click on the Image to Head to the Voting Page (A vote for Yakuza is a vote to save gaming)

mantlepiecek said:
Linkzmax said:
As well? If you think they had two shots then he certainly would have been killed too, if he's town of course.

You're kind of proving my point you know. prof was strongmanned for claiming a 1-time RB/Pilfer while radish hinted being a jailkeeper and is still alive.

HoS : Linkz

Radish never hinted being a jailkeeper. Other than the post I posted which was very subtle. He only hinted being a blocker. 

And between radish and prof, mafia are more likely to move towards prof because of his experience.

Good mafia scrutinize over every post to pick up subtle(and that's blatant really) hints like that. prof is certainly a higher priority target in terms of experience, but this is a situation where the role trumps the player behind it. As in radish dies over prof, or along with prof. With prof being strongmanned there's a chance mafia tried to normal kill him, but none of the protection is leaping to his defense.