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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony Q4 and FY 2011 : PS3 1.9m shipped - PSV 1.8m lifetime.

When the gap was reduced to 1.9 I knew it was too good to be true. There were no numbers backing that up (unless MS had shipped zero X360s).

No troll is too much for me to handle. I rehabilitate trolls, I train people. I am the Troll Whisperer.

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Troll_Whisperer said:
When the gap was reduced to 1.9 I knew it was too good to be true. There were no numbers backing that up (unless MS had shipped zero X360s).

But, but MS supposedly shipped 0 consoles this past quarter. Other posters here told me so... -_-

starcraft: "I and every PS3 fanboy alive are waiting for Versus more than FFXIII.
Me since the games were revealed, the fanboys since E3."

Skeeuk: "playstation 3 is the ultimate in gaming acceleration"


NotStan said:
theprof00 said:
NotStan said:
theprof00 said:
@360 undertracked by having so much stock.

We are seeing the effects of the overproduction now with the advent of the 99$ 360 subscription. It was very telling when the subscription news came out. It is clearly a direct response to under-selling.

@PS3 being overtracked by having so little stock as of March.

It will not have the same levels on shelves MS has. Possible over-tracking by 500k at the very most. Sales in all regions were very good for the ps3 this past year, and Thai flooding could easily result in supply constraint.

Most importantly, both consoles are in line with Mediacreate, famitsu, NPD, etc any possible overtracking or undertracking can only be from developing regions, of which they currently do not even account for either number in full. The situation I proposed above is a very likely one.

MS overstocked, 99$ subs console near confirmation of this.
PS3 possibly overtracked. Sony confirms revisement of sold number downward as attributed to Thai flooding. Supply constraint is possible.

How the subscription indicates overstock according to you is beyond me. If anything, it indicates MS want to extend the generation as much as possible and cash in on the 360 before a successor comes out, just because the deal is out now, does not necessarily mean that they've overstocked it, they're just trying to capitalize and maximize the sale of the console more than anything, after all, according to some this subscription service will cost more than the bundle in itself.

Bottom line is, this new deal in no way signals apparent overstocking according to you.

Whereas the PS3 shelf numbers are way too low, without any retailers reporting shortages and some even dropping the price to $199 recently what does that signal? That PS3 is overtracked by about 1.5m and the retailers are trying to shift the extra supply? See, a spin can be placed unto anything really.

Your view is that MS simply want to sell their console for longer.

My view is that this is a response to not enough consoles being sold. It is a price cut, albeit a pseudo cut. And price-cuts are made in response to lagging sales. You don't do this if sales aren't slowing. Yes, they are making more money on it, but that does not logically follow as a counter-argument. The fact is that this is a lower entry price. Generally, prices are lowered to combat sales drops. The same could be extended to "entry price".

The lack of announced shortage is why I said it's possibly 500k overtracked. The 199$ Ps3 was done by one retailer, which means they likely over-ordered. See being logical works in any situation really.

I said it was overtracked in a region of 500-750k earlier on in the thread, which seems more likely in comparison with some stating that it's like a million overtracked.

Your first assumption is weird to say the least, and slightly biased I must say(hence my sarcastic counter-biased response in regards to the PS3 overtracking by like 1.5m). And in any case, I think there were already adjustments that would bring the 360 down to average stock levels. If they are planning a price cut this year, then luring a few hundred thousand people onto a contract which will realistically bring in the same revenue just over two years before a price drop will yield more profit? Again, I am finding your argument of "too much supply, so we've pulled a subscription deal out of our ass" drastic and unreal. Although I do agree that the deal is likely in place as a temporary price cut to increase sales, it's unlikely that it's supply based price cut, more of the fact that sales are dying down on the entire 6th generation.

The deal was also price matched by few others. That was in US, in UK it's similar story, price wars are waged, if you are sitting on smaller than usual supply to what end would you try to shift ASAP? It's likely overtracked in the regions that are usually classed as "others", and the NPD has been rather dodgy the last few months.

Price cuts are not designed to increase sales but to combat slowing sales. Overstocked is a likely scenario given the timing of announcement.

They're not pulling it out of their asses either. It is a brilliant strategy to also make it look like their live subscriptions are increasing. Remember this is only a limited time coupon.

Use your mafia head. Why would MS offer this deal only for a limited time, only as a coupon, and only at MS stores. Apparently no other retailer ordered too much stock (or they would've dropped price), and no tracking company knows where the other shipments are. MS made it a goal to be #1 last year, shipped. Do you think, possibly, in any way, they might have over-ordered their own product in order to beat out the competition in shipments, and now have too much stock and are subsequently "dropping" the price?

Which stores were offering these 199$ ps3s? I was only aware of gamestop. There was some 199$ during Christmas, but that's to be expected. I'm talkign about recently.

kowenicki said:
people are really trying to argue that the PS3 is supply constrained....? really ?

We live in a free world so people can say whatever they want.

Around the Network
kowenicki said:
people are really trying to argue that the PS3 is supply constrained....? really ?

I mentioned that since they reduced numbers due to Thai flooding, then their shipments overall may be undershipped by the same percentage, richard.

Argh_College said:
kowenicki said:
people are really trying to argue that the PS3 is supply constrained....? really ?

We live in a free world so people can say whatever they want.

We do?

Nsanity said:
Argh_College said:
kowenicki said:
people are really trying to argue that the PS3 is supply constrained....? really ?

We live in a free world so people can say whatever they want.

We do?


What's the average amount of PS3's in stock during this time of the year?

Either way, a 5 billion loss is pretty bad. Hopefully things start looking up for them from here on out.

cookingyourmama said:
Hyruken said:
Ps3 massively over tracked then here. It was at 63.9m shipped at end of april and shipped 1.9m meaning for those 3 months an average of 633k. So there is no way on earth it did an additional 200k in the following week as its average would be around 150k-158k a week.
Which would then mean zero stock on shelves and mass shortages which obviously isn't the case seeing as here in uk at least some stores recently have cut its price, they wouldn't do that if it's demand was as high as vgc indicates.

So we are looking at around 1m over tracked minimum for sure because to think there is anything less then 600k left on shelves is silly. But I'm sure the usual suspects will try and argue vgc is right....

Hahahahahahahaha no the ps3 is not overtracked by 1m, seriously your pro 360 agenda is getting embarrassing now.

If I had said something like that no doubt you would of reported me...

But anyways so in your little mind you honestly think the ps3 right now has zero stock on shelves around the world? Because for the PS3 to not be over tracked that is what it means. You would not be able to find one anywhere. If you believe that then that shows you don't know what your talking about.

As for the pro 360 comment I find that laughable considering I use my PS3 and Vita more then my 360 or Wii. If I was anything I would be pro pc. Just because someone tries to stick up for a console on here doesn't make them pro that console. On this website there are far more Sony fans who change and bend the rules to try and make things look better for Sony then they really are. But when it comes to the other consoles those rules are magically ignored, no excuses are found for their numbers.

For example this thailand flood and tsnuami thing. How long will this get used? If people did some research into it they would see many other companies were hit by it too but are now working fine again. I suggest reading what happened to Westerne Digital and their factories as they were under 10 feet of water. They had buildings destroyed. But yet they got some of their factories back running after a month. The same goes for Honda who were probably hit the hardest. After 6 months they were fully back to normal. They estimate they lost production of 260,000 cars because of it. So the fact some people think Sony who was not hit anywhere near as hard as Honda couldn't be back to normal by now or even in the past 3 months seems silly to me.

Without people like me people like you would be able to ignore all the facts and simply make up your own results. The way this website is going that seems to be the way it is. A few of us said vgc numbers looked out last year when they said ps3 had won 2011. But we were laughed at, but now what we said looks right. We said PS3 numbers look too high and 360 numbers looked low before the recent changes and again we were laughed at. With the adjustments the 360 had an increase but so did the ps3, we said that was wrong. Again these numbers prove what we said was right. Without people like that vgc would listen more to what you people say and just keep bumping the ps3 numbers, if they want realistic numbers they need to stop listening to people like you.

Now the PS3 is 100% overtracked the question is by how much? To go back to what I said before about how it is one rule for Sony and a different one for everyone else if that was Microsoft the usual people would say at bare minimum 1m-1.5m of 360's on shelves. But with Sony and the PS3 it is ok for it to have 400k to 500k on shelves. That seems acceptable. But if you look at the facts there isn't much to back that up. Look at Sony's previous shipments, look at it's month over month sales, look at the price cuts and so on. There is no indication there at all to suggest PS3 demand is as high as they imply, and if there was would they really have less then 500k on shelves worldwide?

There was a time when official numbers on here were seen as the most important thing to judge how something is doing. But over the past year on this website it seems to have changed. If we go on official numbers given by official companies from their last report we see 360 is at 67.2m (up to 31st of march) so even after 40 days since that report and those numbers given vgc has the 360 at 66.5m  which is a 700k difference which doesn't take into account the shipments that would of been sent out in the past 40 days. So if they sent out 1.4m over the previous 3 months thats an average of 466k a month. So if we apply that to vgc numbers would indicate at minimum of 1.16m sitting on shelves right now.

Sony on the other hand have just given us their numbers of ltd and that is 63.9m. Seeing as vgc has it at 64.1 that means a difference of just 200k. So while it is okay for the 360 to have 1.2m+ pretty much on shelves it isn't okay to say PS3 has 1.2m sitting on shelves?

As I said one rule for one, and a different rule for the other. If it is okay for Sony to have such little stock on shelves why is it not okay for 360 to have as little stock on shelves?