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Forums - Sales Discussion - Playstation All-Stars Battle Royale will outsell Smash Bros

I'm a Sony fan and I haven't been drulling over this.

Nintendo's characters are more, better known, older and have appeared in many more games over time. There aren't many characters from Sony that carry over from gen to gen or that are known by the general public.

Also, Nintendo fans care about Nintendo characters much more than Sony fans about Sony characters, PlayStation consoles are about variety from 3rd party studios and don't have mascots. I doubt this game will sell 2m, let alone 5.

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DepthAlly said:
Kasz216 said:

It was there since 4.  Argeuablly sooner... when you consider how battle order was decided before then... ATB itself was really just a tweak and no.  It really was just minor tweaks, espiecally in the grand scheme of things.  I know, having played Final Fantasy games from the very start.   You can more or less sum up the battle differences in each FF in one word.

FF4 didn't really play much different from FF1 at all really.  The biggest actual difference was the waffling from letting players decide what role each character makes.  Starting with the job system...  Even that didn't really change that much.

This is hopeless. Let's just stop, please.

Fair enough, i guess this is just one of those situations where having a broad frame of reference and expierence is required for comprhension.  To someone who only really knows zombie movies, i guess they all seem really varied too.

nice post

oooops, the previous one

Kasz216 said:
enditall727 said:
Kasz216 said:
enditall727 said:
Mnementh said:
enditall727 said:
Mnementh said:
enditall727 said:

Mnementh said:

I'm an active RPG-player, and I don't know Cloud/Sepiroth. I thought, that they must come from some FF-game, but I don't know it. Yes, my post wasn't too serious, but my point is that I REALLY doubt, that an FF-game is most-well-known RPG.

SMFH @ the bolded

and there goes your RPG cred


I played FF X, and it was mediocre. Why should I try another entry of the series, if there exist much better RPGs.



*Throws*---(your RPG Cred)--->*out the window*

Ok, do you really have RPG-cred?

Did you ever played a pen&paper-RPG. That's the stuff the videogame-RPGs are designed after, and yet never a VG-RPG could so far deliver the same experience you have playing a pen&paper.

Did you ver play nethack? It's multiple complex features were a rich source of inspiration for many VG-RPGs. If you played nethack some time for serious, you see all the copied concepts in other games.

Did you ever played a MUD? They are great online-experiences. Good MUDs can have a higher complexity than even nethack. And the interaction with other players is rich. MUDs are the nearest you get so far to the experience of pen&paper.

If you answer these questions with no, you might consider, that you are not a RPG-fan, but a Final-Fantasy-Fan (or fan of Final-Fantasy-alike games). There is nothing bad about that. But don't tell me about RPG-cred, if you only know about one flavour of RPGs.

I play ALL RPG's


i play them ALL!!!


EDIT: people, whatever you do, DON'T listen to Mnementh when it comes to RPG's from here on out..

From that sentence i feel like you probably wouldn't know what a MUD is without using wikipedia.

You sorta missed his point in that the type of RPGS you play videogame wise (well except muds) are EXTREMLY limited as far as the whole RPG genre goes.

If you watch a good pen an paper D&D game going, it's somethine else.

Muds tend to be pretty unique too so i can see why he'd seperate them, much more RP as far as RP goes.

that's not the point though

go back and read what he said about FFX and make sure you read it all very carefully

now think about the logic in what he said

that's like me saying that i wont play another Super Mario RPG because a Final Fantasy game is better than it

or i wont play Dark Cloud because Kingdom Hearts is a better game or vice versa

I played Tales Of Symphonia and loved it but didn't really like Tales Of The Abyss too much(i thought it was mediocre) but i still LOVE the Tales Series


I don't see why, all the final fantasy games are pretty similar.

I can see someone playing one and realizing by the themes he wouldn't like the rest.  Final Fantasy games are pretty narrow in scope.  Espiecally all those after 7, they have a certain way of storytelling that tends to drive a classic RPG pro type crazy.

Most the people i know who played D&D first pretty heavily or any kind of oldschool PC RPG tend to dislike pretty much all the final fantasy games, or at the very least all of them past 6.  Usually consdiering 4 an/or 6  "ok".

Like Yatzhee from Zero Punctuation.

I'm pretty shocked to see that this is you posting this Kasz. That's an incredibly broad brush you're painting that you know works the other way. On top of that, there isn't much that separates 4 and 6 from the rest of the series in terms of storytelling. If anything, in those games it's far more restricted than the newer iterations.

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And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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Around the Network
Kasz216 said:
DepthAlly said:

This is hopeless. Let's just stop, please.

Fair enough, i guess this is just one of those situations where having a broad frame of reference and expierence is required for comprhension.  To someone who only really knows zombie movies, i guess they all seem really varied too.

Well I don't think it's that. I just see differences between the FF games. I mean arguably ATB was around before FF4? I could see someone argue that most RPGs have some form of ATB, then. And if you are implying I only know about FF games, then you are terribly wrong there as well.

Food for thought: Shove an apple in your brain

I don't think it will outsell nintendo's franchise. Nintendo simply has stronger mascots with far wider mass appeal. I think it will do a respectable 2 million. That is my gut feeling though, it just seems that PS users don't buy into the software as much as the other consoles. I would like to be wrong and see this do incredibly well. I just hope the dev team gets it right and Sony markets it properly. But so far, journalists that have tried it said it is tons of fun. That's a good start at least.


My best guess would be 3 million at the most, but 1 to 2 million is much more likely. Of course, we don't know the final character roster yet, so maybe there will be a wider variety of characters than we would have thought. Even with huge third party support the cast won't even be close to what Nintendo can put out. I'd like to see Nintendo get a lot more 3rd party characters for their next game as well.

Nintendo still doomed?
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supermario128 said:
My best guess would be 3 million at the most, but 1 to 2 million is much more likely. Of course, we don't know the final character roster yet, so maybe there will be a wider variety of characters than we would have thought. Even with huge third party support the cast won't even be close to what Nintendo can put out. I'd like to see Nintendo get a lot more 3rd party characters for their next game as well.

A vampire slayer from Castlevania would be drool worthy, so would Ryu with the look from the original Ninja gaiden.