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Forums - Sony Discussion - Should Sony ditch the Playstation Vita?

happydolphin said:
Vita needs big 3rd party IPs, period. And a pricecut soon.

Too bad they already have their first party IP's on it. (Uncharted.)

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CGI-Quality said:
NintendoPie said:
happydolphin said:
Vita needs big 3rd party IPs, period. And a pricecut soon.

Too bad they already have their first party IP's on it. (Uncharted.)

He said 3rd Party

I know. And I said too bad they already used up all their first party IP's.

VGKing said:


It's no surprise the Vita is struggling to sell in all regions. It doesn't seem like there is a killer-app in the question is..should Sony just ditch the Vita? If sales don't rebound soon, it will be too late. Sony will spend all of Vita's lifespan trying to just keep it alive. A price cut would only provide a temporary boost and it would make them bleed even more. So why bother? Why not just ditch the Vita and focus purely on the PS4 launch and continue PS3 support?  Will Sony really be losing out on anything?

By this time next year, if things haven't changed, I really think Sony needs to consider ditching the Vita.


And I am seeing, even on the first page, how home console sales are now threatened by portable devices.  So, in light of this, Sony is supposed to drop their latest portable device, in exchange for... putting effort exclusively into the platform for the living room alone?

Sony is a corporation.  Please show how it is impossible for a corporation to multitask and have multiple divisions. How does a corporation like Sony not multitasking insure them of greater success?

CGI-Quality said:

Well.....not exactly. The way it's worded makes it sound like your saying the Vita already has a an IP from Sony on it, not that they've used them all. The mishap is understandable in such case.

Woh! Control those quote trees CGI.

Soundwave said:

Sony should just modify the Vita and integrate it into a cell phone. I think that's probably what's going to happen next.

As a standalone game-centric platform ... it has little to no chance.

The "newness" and wow factor of its "console like" graphics is even going to be gone soon when PS4/720 come out next year, so Sony basically wasting several months here is not helping their cause.

Experia Play sez WHY


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Plezbo said:
CGI-Quality said:
The Vita isn't lacking good games, it's lacking the price point that will grab mass appeal. Much like the 3DS, when that price comes down, its sales will go up. 

I have to disagree with you.  What games does Vita have that wouldn't be better on PS3?

Army Corps of Hell
Disgaea 3
Escape Plan
Hot Shots Golf
Little Deviants
Motorstorm RC
Rayman Origins
Super Stardust Delta
Tales from Space

4 ≈ One

PearlJam said:
DarkTemplar said:
Also a a single franchise (Call of Duty) was responsible for the HD consoles rebirth in US.

Drugs are bad.

So are you denying the importance of CoD games in the HD consoles?


Activision president Bobby Kotick in a 2010 interview:

"We’ve heard that 60 percent of [Microsoft’s] subscribers are principally on Live because of Call Of Duty,” said Kotick."



Activision president Bobby Kotick a few monthr after the previous interview:

"So, with $60 a year out the door for many Call of Duty players – that would be those playing on Xbox 360, as opposed to PC or PlayStation 3 – it's already a significant $5 a month expense and Activision has only snagged a "modest amount" of that $5""



And you forgot little big planet and Hustle kings.

PS4 - over 100 millions let's say 120m
Xbox One - 70m
Wii U - 25m

Vita - 15m if it will not get Final Fantasy Kingdoms Heart and Monster Hunter 20m otherwise
3DS - 80m

Sony need to relaunch the Vita with a new price, new 3rd party support (that will actually outshine 3DS in places like Japan) and they need to kill off the PS Mobile.

What they've done is segmented their market even more by offering 2 different gaming devices, and neither is beating Apple or Samsung.

I should state that i think this latter reason is why Nintendo's smart to just stick to the one thing, and do it well.

“When we make some new announcement and if there is no positive initial reaction from the market, I try to think of it as a good sign because that can be interpreted as people reacting to something groundbreaking. ...if the employees were always minding themselves to do whatever the market is requiring at any moment, and if they were always focusing on something we can sell right now for the short term, it would be very limiting. We are trying to think outside the box.” - Satoru Iwata - This is why corporate multinationals will never truly understand, or risk doing, what Nintendo does.

RolStoppable said:
logic56 said:
RolStoppable said:

Meh, I have an ace up my sleeve: The entire PSP library.

lol GTA did pretty well, had not been for piracy I think others would have done pretty well also

plus PSP couldn't do half the things the Vita can do (and because you probably won't get it, that statement has more to with the 3DS than it does the Vita)

GTA took a hit from 20m on home consoles down to 6m on a handheld. You better be prepared that other typical home console series take a similar percentage hit.

Piracy hurting PSP software sales is a myth that should finally get busted by the PSV. The option to pirate games doesn't make gamers steal everything. What hurt PSP software sales was that those who do pay for their games had not much interest in buying PSP games.

Uncharted: Golden Abyss is an omen for things to come. The writing is on the wall. See GTA; if Uncharted can move 6m on the PS3, then 2m on the PSV is pretty much the ceiling for the series (unless Sony heavily bundles the game).

The writting on the wall reads: As long as game can sell between 500k-2m then thats enough for all developers to be happy with. Check sales for the top DS games, only nintedo's maga franchises crossed the 2m mark and as mentioned before its userbase was ridiculously big. And the same notion you pointed out can be seen across all nintendos's major franchises compare the sales of  zelda, 2D mario, 3D mario and mario kart to their wii counter parts. new super mario bros (ds) only sold 1m units  more than the wii version despite the fact that it has a 50m advantage in terms its usebase. The handheld market is far more splintered, sales are generally spread more evenly ascross software as opposed to consoles which are dominated by massive franchises.