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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Xbox 360 fans

 360 is the only next-gen console I own.

 I was originally what I'd refer to as "Anti-Fanboy", as far as the Xbox was concerned. I didn't like it showing up, and I wanted it out of here. When the 360 came out though, it was the only next gen console so I just decided to buy was new and shiny okay. I was very skeptical in my purchase mind you even with the shiny factor....After a time though, I have grown very fond of the o'l microsoft. Even the Xbox games I swore off oh so long ago, I've been finding myself tracking down at my Local EB. 

 What I mean to say is I feel like a fool for ever being a "Anti-Fanboy", for thinking badly about the xbox without actually owning one. All these games I never knew existed, and I like them all o_o. It's magical I say! 

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I have a 360 and my favorite game on it is Crackdown and not Gears of War.

Thanks to Blacksaber for the sig!

Hi, I will also never buy a microsoft console. This is due to the fact that the only role they play in the industry is to disrupt it. They bring out un-intovative technology, focus heavely on only the I am cool crowd of only America, and they never make money due to the fact that they are trying to stop Sony and Nintendo from making their consoles the next windows PC. I do enjoy some of their games Halo, PGR, Fable, GeoW, and well thats about it. So unless Microsoft make somthing along the lines of Eyetoy, or the Wii Mote, and start making their products have lasting power, you won't see a xbox brand system under my tv. At the moment I am happy with my PS3 and virtual console. The PS3 has Blu Ray which will be a major factor once we are late in this gen like 2010-14 ( the equivilant of 2004-2007 of last gen), 100Gb ethernet port to support internet 2, and the cell which will allow games to evolve over time. The Wii has virtual console and Mario/Metroid/Zelda/smash bros/pokemon and mario counts for like 7.

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams


KBG29 said:
Hi, I will also never buy a microsoft console. This is due to the fact that the only role they play in the industry is to disrupt it. They bring out un-intovative technology, focus heavely on only the I am cool crowd of only America, and they never make money due to the fact that they are trying to stop Sony and Nintendo from making their consoles the next windows PC. I do enjoy some of their games Halo, PGR, Fable, GeoW, and well thats about it. So unless Microsoft make somthing along the lines of Eyetoy, or the Wii Mote, and start making their products have lasting power, you won't see a xbox brand system under my tv. At the moment I am happy with my PS3 and virtual console. The PS3 has Blu Ray which will be a major factor once we are late in this gen like 2010-14 ( the equivilant of 2004-2007 of last gen), 100Gb ethernet port to support internet 2, and the cell which will allow games to evolve over time. The Wii has virtual console and Mario/Metroid/Zelda/smash bros/pokemon and mario counts for like 7.

microsoft was a pioneer in online console gaming with the original X- box... an din one console they found "thier game" Halo. I am not a X-box fan I didn't own an Xbox but with the Virtual console and PSN you can easily see microsoft already left a footprint on console gaming. I do think they need to work on the life of thier system. If 360 lasts only 4 years that will be a problem..

I have to say a lot of people have problems with Microsofts Xbox360. People don't seem to give them enough air, my cousins got one, he had it in a corner, and it broke within 3 months was replaced and I told him place it in an open area with pleanty of air like a Pc, he did and there's no problem. Remember the PS3 has some interior room to blow air about inside of it like a PC, the 360 is a bit more compact and needs more breathing room. It's a design flaw... or at least seems like it is, but an easily fixed design flaw.

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I do think Microsoft definitely did the console industry a good thing by pushing online harder, even though I rarely play online games, also downloadable updates can be great.


I don't like the hardware either... 

Thanks to Blacksaber for the sig!

I don't see why their is so much hate toward the xbox 360, Its a very fun system so what is the point of critcizing everything about it? Even when a good game like Gears of War comes out people start saying stuff like "Have your fun now, thats the best the 360 can ever produce" Why would you say that? The main reason the PS3 is more expensive is because it has blue-ray inside of it. It also has some fun features so I can easily know what my friends are doing and I can invite them and they can help me complete a mission on a level that I might have had trouble doing it, or we can play a big game of capture the flag and sometimes we can play a game of capture the ball and we can shoot out teammate in the back and laugh at him (in a good way) as you get the most points. So I think the xbox 360 can be the funnest party system there is, and their is still stuff so you can get better at their games and compete in a online leaderboard. I'm wondering does anybody have any good xbox 360 memorys to share?