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I don't see why their is so much hate toward the xbox 360, Its a very fun system so what is the point of critcizing everything about it? Even when a good game like Gears of War comes out people start saying stuff like "Have your fun now, thats the best the 360 can ever produce" Why would you say that? The main reason the PS3 is more expensive is because it has blue-ray inside of it. It also has some fun features so I can easily know what my friends are doing and I can invite them and they can help me complete a mission on a level that I might have had trouble doing it, or we can play a big game of capture the flag and sometimes we can play a game of capture the ball and we can shoot out teammate in the back and laugh at him (in a good way) as you get the most points. So I think the xbox 360 can be the funnest party system there is, and their is still stuff so you can get better at their games and compete in a online leaderboard. I'm wondering does anybody have any good xbox 360 memorys to share?