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Forums - Website Topics - Seece in April 2011: Kinect Guarenteed to top 10m in Q4 2011!, Motion Controls Still A Fad!

Rath said:
Yeah CKLMB was pretty dreadful. There used to be other heavily biased ones (SSJ12 or something?) but not so bad nowadays.

The worst part about SSJ12 wasn't just that he was a mod, but a paid staff member of vgchartz (communications manager or some bs). Then he tried to defend himself by claiming he wasn't a Sony fanboy, but a PC fanboy. Just dreadful.

I couldn't believe Shams became a mod either. He toned it down a bit once becoming a mod, but trolled it up hard before that. Makes me wonder what the qualification process used to be?

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What is this the drunk, high and tripping ballz messages of Seece? Whatever!

Most of all I hope motion controls remain second to PS3/360's main control types for a long, long time even tough they are fun.

while this is laugh out load funny, Seece is good at his job. not sure about him as a mod, but his opinions of the rival HD platform (and of some members) can be overly bias/insulting.

i like gmes though and take nothing seriously, so i've always found him funny.

TheSource said:
Carl2291 said:
DirtyP2002 said:
TheSource has fallen.


He fell a while back I think, when he lost his job for unknown reasons. Seece cant have fallen, because he's still the same Seece from Years back... He just pretends to be civil on the forums. This is fun!

Fallen from what? There is no joy in writing on the internet. I only agreed to it reluctantly because I wanted income year round when I was in college.

As far as I can tell Seece got my screen name from Brett just so he could make fun of me. I did the Japanese data from August 2008 to March 2012 as a favor to Brett, and I wrote articles because Brett asked me to. I did the preview because Brett asked me to, from April 2007 to February 2012 in one form or another. Seece  and a couple others were essentially hired originally because the site used to be 40 / 40 / 20 between Nintendo / Sony / Microsoft fans. The idea was to hire fanboy writers for Microsoft...and yes I have that conversation too if I really wanted to be a dick.


Oh, well, read the rest of the thread, and isn't that big a deal to me anymore. Still though, I fucking KNEW it.
I also never cared for the Sony mods except MM and that other guy, Torillager? :D I miss onyxmeth T_T

i didn't read the op but i love people posting conversations between them and someone else knowing they will maybe post that for everyone in a forum. it's great to know as only one in the conversation waht you should say or not because everyone will read it right? that's what makes a great character...or not...

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crissindahouse said:
i didn't read the op but i love people posting conversation between them and someone else knowing they will maybe post that for everyone in a forum. it's great to know as only one in the conversation waht you should say or not because everyone will read it right? that's what makes a great character...or not...

Except I've never seen source ever talk shit like that, ever.

Sure I never liked how he downplayed ps3, but he was never an instigator either.

just out of curiosity, what did kinect sell this psat holiday?

I particularly liked this part:

Seeeece: if I'm an xbox
Seeeece: why do I appreciate the PS3's library


theprof00 said:
crissindahouse said:
i didn't read the op but i love people posting conversation between them and someone else knowing they will maybe post that for everyone in a forum. it's great to know as only one in the conversation waht you should say or not because everyone will read it right? that's what makes a great character...or not...

Except I've never seen source ever talk shit like that, ever.

Sure I never liked how he downplayed ps3, but he was never an instigator either.

This thread (OP) proves otherwise, like others said, these kind of threads bring out people's true colors.

ImJustBayuum said:
theprof00 said:
crissindahouse said:
i didn't read the op but i love people posting conversation between them and someone else knowing they will maybe post that for everyone in a forum. it's great to know as only one in the conversation waht you should say or not because everyone will read it right? that's what makes a great character...or not...

Except I've never seen source ever talk shit like that, ever.

Sure I never liked how he downplayed ps3, but he was never an instigator either.

This thread (OP) proves otherwise, like others said, these kind of threads bring out people's true colors.

It does? How so?