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Forums - General Discussion - How to disprove free will using basic logic


Do you agree with me?

Yes 9 12.00%
No. You are wrong but I can't prove it 11 14.67%
No. You are wrong and I w... 25 33.33%
I'm just confused... 10 13.33%
See results 20 26.67%
Netyaroze said:



Why are you so certain about everything ? As far as I have read the Thread there are no new or exciting ideas proposed.


Its nothing I and many others havent thought about at one point. Coincidentally I also thought with 18 that way. I just was totally sure the universe works like a clockwork. That for every action there is a reaction that will go exactly like predicted if you know all the factors. That the physicist just dont understand why particles dont react in the same manner. And that our Brain cant possibly have a free will because we just compute all the factors the same way and come to the same conclusion every time if we were given the same problem.  I was absolutely sure that the Human logic is flawless. Afterall it works perfectly on earth. Then I tried to understand relativity and I didnt like it. It made no sense because it was totally different than what I felt should have happend. How come if photons pass each other they dont add their velocity like if to cars pass each other.

Normally its logical that if I drive 60kmh and the passing car also 60 kmh we pass each other with 120kmh. But if photons pass each other flying 300000 kms they dont pass each other with 600000 kms but with 300000 kms. makes zero sence at first but thats what really happens. And how come you can bend nothing/room. Whats bending there what is room even. . But this is reality confirmed a 1000 times.And Quantum theory is even more absurd and not logical to us humans. And the best thing put together it makes no sense at all. Our Human common sense is based on what we observe on earth but earth is just a tiny place in the universe with a specific set of rules that dont apply to all things in existence.


If you would have grown up in another world were for example things just randomly move without any cause and sometimes duplicate you would accept it as natural and just assume thats how reality works. Because you can see it. Sure just random is no good explanation but thats why they have many theorys to explain the random behaviour. Like Multiverse and maybe the free will is what ultimatively chooses what path you take.



Nobody knows if we can build a computer as smart as humans they just guess/hope. The Human Brain is the most complex object in the Universe (that we know of) and if we end up creating a being on a quantum computer and not an ordinary computer it wouldnt disprove free will. Actually we are past the point were Computers are slower than the brain. Theoretically a Super Computer should be able to atleast make a dogs brain. But we are on insect level. Who purely react there is a reason why we cant create true intelligence. In the 1980s/1990s people told us we will have Human intelligence in 2030.


This will be the 2nd fusion. It will always be in the next 50 years in our lifetime. The progress made up till now just looks like progress but underneath its a small step.


If everything is pre determined doesnt even matter but you dont even like the idea and there are not many reasons to believe in a deterministic universe right now. But a lot of stuff happens we cant explain and to brush everything off thinking the science community is just too stupid to recognize how the clock works is too easy. Just because it doesnt seem logical and they cant come up with explanations everybody understand ?  Its like demanding the universe/human mind to be simple enough to be explained with everydays logic.


Why dont you wait until later to form your opinion ? There is no reason to have a static world view this early in your life.


I don't have a static world view. In fact, this is the kind of response I was expecting. I wanted to be proven wrong, and this is the first great attempt.


I am well aware that our brain limits our way of drawing conclusions, but our brains is all we've got, and therefrom I'll draw my conclusions. I'm just saying that the OP offers a logical conclusion from my point of view, whether it's wrong or not.


Message to everyone: Remember that I gave you the option to say that "you'd prove me wrong" in the poll. That is what this thread is actually about, and I am most definitely open to change my world view.

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Dr.Grass said:

You are assuming that the human brain is the source of a man's consciousness.

I understand that this is the general idea as accepted by our 'modern academics', but there is zero proof for this hypothesis. At least there is no more proof than there is for a supreme creator.

There is not even an indication that AI can be created. There is not a single shred of evidence. No-one would even know where to start. 

I have absolutely no problem with you believing that humans have souls (or anything similar), just so you know.

I read a test online that said a few people were sat in a room and asked to do something and they had there brains wired up to see what it would do apparently 60% of brains had worked out what they would do and the people did that straight away but 40% seemed to be able to overcome the brain and do something different sounds quite interesting

Millenium said:

While I wouldn't see that "Free will" does not exsist, it is likely that if you reserved time and exactly nothing changed up untill the point that "he" decided to rob someone, that he would decide upon that action time and time again.

Should sometime (Even if it's tiny) change before that with him or around he, the decision could very well be different.

This. If you reverse time, and dont do anything else, you basicly didnt do anything to change his/her decision

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Jereel Hunter said:
I suggest everyone use their free will and bail from this discussion. The argument is entirely flawed.

And I suggest you stay away from discussions if you have nothing to add.

But I did add something. A suggestion. To Escape. Your basic argument, that there is no free will because our own reasoning faculties would lead us to the same conclusion every time given the same criteria is flawed.

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By saying every thing in your life is random due to you CHOOSING to do a different action every time shows that your free will does exist and each decision creates its own circumstances hence your life is all randomed up. I dunno if that makes sense to you but i see your logic.

Wait... does this mean im not human?

PSN addy - mrx95

A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination. - Nelson Mandela

A radical is a man with his feet planted firmly in the air. - Franklin.D.Roosevelt


chris.m95 said:
By saying every thing in your life is random due to you CHOOSING to do a different action every time shows that your free will does exist and each decision creates its own circumstances hence your life is all randomed up. I dunno if that makes sense to you but i see your logic.

I am actually saying that our choices are determined by all the random or determined things happening around us. Thus all your "choices" are determined no matter what, and you can't shape the future in more ways than one.

But yeah, like I said before; I am really not certain, obviously. But right now it seems logical.

chris.m95 said:
By saying every thing in your life is random due to you CHOOSING to do a different action every time shows that your free will does exist and each decision creates its own circumstances hence your life is all randomed up. I dunno if that makes sense to you but i see your logic.

I am actually saying that our choices are determined by all the random or determined things happening around us. Thus all your "choices" are determined no matter what, and you can't shape the future in more ways than one.

But yeah, like I said before; I am really not certain, obviously. But right now it seems logical.

situations make choices for us we choose what path to take

Wait... does this mean im not human?

PSN addy - mrx95

A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination. - Nelson Mandela

A radical is a man with his feet planted firmly in the air. - Franklin.D.Roosevelt


chris.m95 said:

I am actually saying that our choices are determined by all the random or determined things happening around us. Thus all your "choices" are determined no matter what, and you can't shape the future in more ways than one.

But yeah, like I said before; I am really not certain, obviously. But right now it seems logical.

situations make choices for us we choose what path to take

And what the choices we make is determined by our past experiences.

Sorry not going to read the entire thread. Just post my response to the OP. Being predictable does not mean the person did not have free will. I can understand someone ideology their specific type of person they like to victimized and every thing about them. Yet I can never be certain that they will act as predicted. I have heard so many arguments that your childhood and the events in your life dictate your actions and that biologically you do not have a choice. Well honestly I am living proof that is false, a child of divorce who spent years in respite before his mom remarried moving away at which point he entered foster care. Bullied his entire life to the point of attempting suicide, turning violent in Middle School sending people to hospital in vicious defensive strikes against bullies. Watching my foster brother slowly spiral downwards till he OD'd. I have been a victim of sexual crime, child abuse a child who spent years upon years in a living hell. One with Aspergers Syndrome and Terrets, OCD. I went through the ringer.

But today while my other foster brothers are dealing. Some girls turned to the streets. Of the foster children I was with I am the only one to have completely thrived. Today I have gone on mission trips I volunteer with different organizations I teach Sunday school.

So my up bringing my childhood even up to my teen years did not dictate my choices. Today I still make my own choices and no its not some chemical in my brain outside of my control. My impairments may hurt my ability to thrive socially but nothing has taken my freedom of choice away!

I have a friend headed to the RCMP who talked with me a while about psychological profiles. He was blunt I thought they were way better then they are. He said roughly 70% probably a little under of cases the profiles actually get right. No matter how well they are trained no matter how predictable a person is, they can always surprise you and change at the drop of a hat.

Qaddafi thought billions in brain washing all the best techniques the psychologists the smartest manipulators in the world would guarantee him power. Yet he lost it, he played with fire and he thought he had control of his people to the very end was in denial that he had lost.

That is not to say you cannot manipulate peoples actions if you understand their ideologies of course that is highly unethical. But also you can never be certain that the individual will react the way you think they will.

So yes Free Will exists!


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