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Forums - NSFW Discussion - Your Favorite Boobs/Ass/Legs/Feet etc.

darkknightkryta said:
Hopefully this isn't ban worthy :


That was blood-flow worthy

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Personally, I'd take the one on the left anyday.

@ blunty:

Left one is better because her tits haven't been supersized, right one has the better face though.

@ person with firm tits pics:

Thank you, those were great!

But...I prefer the face on the left too!

Holly Peers:  The most beautiful woman I have ever seen!!!!


Search for her on google, you wont be dissapointed XD

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pezus said:
blunty51 said:
darkknightkryta said:
Hopefully this isn't ban worthy :


That was blood-flow worthy

Exactly. I see THE1 even unlocked an achievement by watching the video.

I thought a trophy would have popped.

lol most beautiful woman on earth did he never hear about monica belucci or so? (ok most here will be waaayyy to young for her she's like 50 now)

Monica Bellucci is ok I guess....when was the last time I saw again? Matrix or something..

i don't know, some just look so cheap for me they can never compete with classy woman if it comes to the whole "beauty" package.

worst are bitches like katie price or so. cheaper than cheap^^

Once it's not overly plastic I'd say fine by me. I think Scarlett Johansen is pretty classy actually