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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 39 - Resonance of Fate Arena

RolStoppable said:
theprof00 said:

it's actually a common mafia tactic nail in the coffin of a fellow mafia.

Even on the first Day when a lynch can still be easily avoided?

You know, maybe you aren't who you pretend to be. There's something odd about you and I don't mean the usual odd things.

This actually made me lol a bit.

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RolStoppable said:
nen-suer said:

I'm equally suspicious of moreno & noname, but not confidant to vote either.

So i think I'll play it safe for today and vote: no lynch.

Well, the mafia is in a tough position right now. If moreno is mafia, they certainly aren't going to lynch him now. If he isn't, the mafia can't jump at the opportunity to lynch him, because that could cast doubts on them as well.

So if moreno is indeed a mislynch for the town, the safest option for a member of the mafia is to refrain from lynching anyone for today.

I'll be watching you, pal.

Like i'd fall for that. I won't change my vote :P

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nen-suer said:
RolStoppable said:
nen-suer said:

I'm equally suspicious of moreno & noname, but not confidant to vote either.

So i think I'll play it safe for today and vote: no lynch.

Well, the mafia is in a tough position right now. If moreno is mafia, they certainly aren't going to lynch him now. If he isn't, the mafia can't jump at the opportunity to lynch him, because that could cast doubts on them as well.

So if moreno is indeed a mislynch for the town, the safest option for a member of the mafia is to refrain from lynching anyone for today.

I'll be watching you, pal.

Like i'd fall for that. I won't change my vote :P

That's exactly what he doesn't not want you to have undone.

noname2200 said:
nen-suer said:

Like i'd fall for that. I won't change my vote :P

That's exactly what he doesn't not want you to have undone.

I rol'd... uuuhm... lol'd

noname2200 said:
nen-suer said:

Like i'd fall for that. I won't change my vote :P

That's exactly what he doesn't not want you to have undone.

My brain stuttered reading that. lol

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Vote Today To Help Get A Konami & SEGA Game Localized.This Will Only Work If Lots Of People Vote.

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I have been meaning to ask this but I don't want to disrupt the debate here.

Why are you defending moreno? It seems odd for you to do it.

Why do you get the impression that I'm defending him? I just didn't think we should lynch him before he got the chance to defend himself - and it looks like my decision was a good one

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RolStoppable said:
noname2200 said:

That's exactly what he doesn't not want you to have undone.

As if anybody could comprehend what you just said.

But anyway, why aren't you voting for moreno? Any particular reason?

Uncertainty, mostly. With no offense intended to moreno, I'd have voted to lynch most people who display his train of thought, but he's one of the short list of people I hold to a lower standard. He hasn't said as much, but part of me wonders if he just flat-out hasn't read most of what's been happening, or at best just briefly skimmed posts.

I'm leaning towards a vote, because his posts don't actually add up, but I don't agree with final-fan's reasoning that we should almost automatically lynch folks who are generally suspicious, else there's a few folks who'd never make it to Day Two. So it comes to a weighing contest: do I think the things he's said warrant a vote, or do I put enough of the confusion to simple inattention?

I believe I have until 8 Pacific to make up my mind, so I'm mulling it over a bit more. As a sneak peek, his defense didn't exactly sway me towards his side.

radishhead said:
Why do you get the impression that I'm defending him? I just didn't think we should lynch him before he got the chance to defend himself - and it looks like my decision was a good one

Could you please identify, with particularity, what part of his defense you found persuasive?

noname2200 said:
radishhead said:
Why do you get the impression that I'm defending him? I just didn't think we should lynch him before he got the chance to defend himself - and it looks like my decision was a good one

Could you please identify, with particularity, what part of his defense you found persuasive?

I didn't find any particular bit persuasive, but just the way that he responded to all concerns and critisisms, as well as adding his own insight, made him seem legitimate to me

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