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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 39 - Resonance of Fate Arena

Ok guys sorry I was out for a while and kinda busy.
Very disappointing how little activity you guys had. I thought I am gonna read a ton of posts.

Anyway, Wow at Rad Vashyron? Really? Did you just gave up?

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Should pots really be pointing fingers at kettles?

Yep he did... bad radish anyway, day is over, we need no twilight anymore since


and the


radishhead said:
Oh whatever, I can't continue this charade- I can't believe I didn't at least try a fake claim

Vote: Radishhead

Lol! Your first post really scream Scumminess and no one followed me up on that aside from Prof. Tsk.. Tsk.

Fun fact I killed Rol last night.

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radishhead said:
Oh whatever, I can't continue this charade- I can't believe I didn't at least try a fake claim

Vote: Radishhead

You gave it a good go, but definitely saying that you held onto that glass for several days was a huge no-no.

Calling it reflective was bad as well.

You should've taken your time to come up with something slightly believable given you had weeks to do so.

For instance, "night one I picked up a shard of glass 'it's pretty but doesn't seem very useful'. I forgot to use it, then realized night 2 I wouldn't be able to when I asked stefl to use it. I dropped it day 3, and night 4 it said I came across an item, but I didn't pick it up, hoping for a better one in the morning, but it was shard of glass again, so I just left it there"

Then coming up with a fake-claim was not unreasonable either: "I'm a Vendor KA-CHING!"

Stefl1504 said:
Yep he did... bad radish anyway, day is over, we need no twilight anymore since


and the


Well, that was anticlimactic.

dead thread and mafia thread please.

So stefl, what was the story behind that first note?

I'm glad linkz played the way he did. He at least injected a little difficulty into the game ^_^