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Forums - General Discussion - The True or False game

True I mean whos does not it´s one of the most beatiful things on earth (of course only if the lesbians are pretty)

The user below cares more about the personality then the looks

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I would say so yeah, although I don't mind a good balance of the two.

The user below me brushes their teeth twice a day without fail.

True, I do! When I wake up, and before I go to bed.
Though, at lunch, if I eat something that has a lot of oil, or onion, garlic, anything with a strong odor, I'd buy a toothbrush and a mouthwash (Those small $1 or so try-outs); Otherwise, I'm fine with flossing. Since I'm there, I'd buy a small febreeze or odor eliminators to spray on me. I love food and all, but I don't like the smell on me. Hygiene and Personal upkeep is a big thing for me.

A Member below me is captivated by the smell of a clean vagina

True hell of a lot better then a dirty vag :S

The user below has been outside in -40C

False -23°C was the worst

The user below likes my Avatar

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PSwii60 said:
NintendoPie said:
I'm not sure I get what you're trying to say there.....

LOL! That was me not sober... I'm straight now, though. But don't try to make sense out of it. I was just rambling on about a lot of things. You may be too young to understand most of it; though, it is really random, it does hold some meaning.


Sure it does... sure it does...

True, even though I'm not a big Mass Effect fan I like your avatar.

The user below me dislikes Sidney Crosby, thinks he's a crybaby and a diver.

True, sometimes I use a few apps on there.

The user below me owns a HDTV?


The user below watches the walking dead


The user below weighs over 250 pounds