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Forums - General Discussion - The True or False game

False Im a very sarcastic guy

The member below me owns a cat

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I "own" a cat, indeed.

The user below me thinks Martin Lawrence is a good actor?

Millenium said:
I "own" a cat, indeed.

The user below me thinks Martin Lawrence is a good actor?

Yeah, I think he is. I watched Bad Boys last night (sadly missed the second half) and thought he was hilarious.

The user below me owns all popular consoles and handhelds from at least one generation.

False, what a utterly stupid question!

The user below me will watch "The Avengers" in Cinema? (Yeah, doing it myself aint I pez)

@brendude13, on the chance that you might not have watched it yet, "Life" is also a brilliant movie with Martin in it. :) (Also, it's about bloody time Bad Boys 3 was made!)

True one of my most antisipated movies of the year

The user below liked the Resident Evil movies

btw. what is TDKR?

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AndrewWK said:
True one of my most antisipated movies of the year

The user below liked the Resident Evil movies

btw. what is TDKR?

The Dark Knight Rises ;)


The user below me has a drivers license?

False, I know how to drive though!

The member below me needs to take a shower.

True but I´ll go to the gym first

The user below is a smoker

True. >_> I've got F-CAT all week.

The member below me doesn't know what F-CAT is.