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Forums - General Discussion - The True or False game

False, haven't seen Resurrection.

The user below me liked the Naked Gun series.

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False, I'm still quite noobish according to some members...

The member below me is hoping that Tads' statement isn't alluding to him leaving VGC.

Not true, I used to come on a lot more last Summer, we had more gaming related discussions and there was always a new game or trailer to talk about.

The user below me has been knocked out before.


The member below me has been to the pound to get a pet instead of a Pet Store.

False, we got our dog from a breeder. When I'm older I have no plans to get a pet though. I love dogs but they're too much work having to walk them multiple times per day, pay for all their food and toys and stuff, etc. And when buying a dog you can't just think of how damn cute it looks as a puppy, you have to think about the later years, once the dog is 10, 12, even 14 years old and starts to get sick a lot, loses sight/hearing, etc. and it starts to cost a lot of money to care for, and it won't be playful or as cute as it was as a puppy. Sorry for my depressing post, but that's just my reasoning for why I won't get a dog when I'm older.

The user below me has read works by George Orwell (Burmese Days, 1984, Animal Farm, etc)

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False, but I've actually thought about giving A Game of Thrones a read. I'm supposed to write an essay about a book I've never read before in two weeks.

The user below me is fluent in at least three languages.

False for fluency, but I would be confident to make the claim I could get by in any French or Russian speaking country, although not fluent.

The user below me likes HBO shows. (Oz, Rome, Flight of the Conchordes, Sopranos, etc...any HBO shows)

Uhh I like GoT (duh)

The user below me has seen both seasons of 'The Walking Dead'?

False, don't care for the show.

The member below me doesn't do this '?' when playing this game they just put a period.

False, I like the show.

The user below me has a different native language than English?