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False, we got our dog from a breeder. When I'm older I have no plans to get a pet though. I love dogs but they're too much work having to walk them multiple times per day, pay for all their food and toys and stuff, etc. And when buying a dog you can't just think of how damn cute it looks as a puppy, you have to think about the later years, once the dog is 10, 12, even 14 years old and starts to get sick a lot, loses sight/hearing, etc. and it starts to cost a lot of money to care for, and it won't be playful or as cute as it was as a puppy. Sorry for my depressing post, but that's just my reasoning for why I won't get a dog when I'm older.

The user below me has read works by George Orwell (Burmese Days, 1984, Animal Farm, etc)