New episode, Castle-Mania has been leaked.
While the premiere stumbled and struggled, this episode is much better.
The Good:
- Rarity. I think Rarity is best pony.
- Most of the characters were at their best here. Fluttershy's reaction to thinking Angel was crushed, Rarity's reactions to the events going on, AJ and Dash with their rivalry, Twilight getting lost in a book, Spike's fear of the noises, Angel shaking his head at Spike after Twilight says no one likes sarcasm... Lots of good stuff here.
- The dark humor. There was some really dark stuff in here, but it was well disguised.
The Bad:
- Pinkie Pie... It's not that she was really bad, it's just that the ending when she was revealed killed the momentum of the episode and brought everything to a grinding halt.
- The moral. You know, the one that wasn't actually related to the episode at all.
- The journal. Guess what we're getting now instead of letters to the princess? Boo. Tied with this is, again, dialogue. But only in the last part, and it wasn't as bad as the premiere
The Everything Else:
- Come back to the shadow pony and make that an actual thing.
- Daring Do is most daring pony.
- Was Pinkie Pie ringing the bell with her head? Ouch...
Overall, this episode was really enjoyable. I think this is the sort of episode that S3 was missing.