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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Which is your favorite Pokemon? Why?

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Zapdos, because yellow is my favourite coulor, thunderstorm is my favourite weather, and Zapdos is a fuckin' yellow thunderbird. That sentence alone made me suffer from an awesomeness overload.


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Charizard will always be my favorite Pokémon. I remembered I used to avoid Pokémon when it first came out, but one day I'm not sure why I ended up seeing a couple of friends play, I saw Charizard and knew at the time I had to play it for myself. About two or so years later, I ended up watching syndication of the show, and saw how Charizard was a bitch to Ash; he wouldn't fight for him. It was funny. All of a sudden, when they first introduced Magmar on the show, and Charizard stepped in after Ash already picked Pikachu, growled, and moved his little dragon paws/hands... like, 'I got this'

I was hooked.

Charizard for me :)
I think it's the reason why I keep buying the series: to get Charizard into my line up one way or the other.

Mismagius, Celebi, and Starmie would certainly be on the shortlist

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Favorite: MewTwo
Why: -
-cool looking Pokemon
-I like psychic type, and he's one of the best psychic pokemon
-has the ability to heal half his health with recover (I will never understand by people would remove such an awesome ability)
-Very high Special stats
-best of all he can be taught some awesome ability's to take on most commonly used pokemon, such as icebame, flamethrower, thunderbolt, and of course psychic.