Used to be Blastoise. But it's now Empoleon. An Emperor Penguin in a metal tux. Doesn't get much more stylish than that.
Used to be Blastoise. But it's now Empoleon. An Emperor Penguin in a metal tux. Doesn't get much more stylish than that.
Becausehe smacks pika pika it the face with his bone. And well he can throw his bone dont you wish you could throw your bone?
It's Pikachu, as cliche as that may be. I just love that little guy, I'll never forget Ash and Pika and all their adventures. As a typing, I'm a sucker for fire. Some of my favorites are Charizard, Haunter, Chandelure, Mewtwo and Dragonite. There are so many cool ones, damn this
Metrium said: So many honorable mentions, Squirtle+, Charmander+, Bulbasaur+, Pikachu, Pigeot, Hunter/Gengar, Primape, Butterfree, Growlith/Arcanine, Vulpix/Ninetails, Abra+, Cubone, Totodile+, Chikorita, Heracross, Snubbull, Gligar, Espeon, Hohoh, Noctowl, Crobat, Mudkip, Kyogre... and more. But if I have to pick 1... My favorite of ALL, it would be Mew. Probably because when I saw the movie I was probably around 9years old, and I loved the fact that he was so playfull. He was always playing and having so much fun during the entire movie even when he was facing Mewtwo. The fact that (at the time) he was reffered to as the strongest of all pokémon and the fact that he was so cute won me over. Strong + cute + playfull = win in my heart. |
This. +1 to you for also mentioning Espeon.
spurgeonryan said:
I do enjoy Bulbasaur. Always enjoyed getting his picture in Pokemon Snap. I think it took about 3 apples to get a really good one on the River. |
Thanks! Yeah, I happen to be unconventional when it comes to Pokémon.
Snesboy said: This. +1 to you for also mentioning Espeon. |
By far the best Evee evolution. :P
What?! I can't hear you over all this awsome! - Pyrrhon (Kid Icarus:Uprising)
Final Ultimate Legendary Earth Power Super Max Justice Future Miracle Dream Beautiful Galaxy Big Bang Little Bang Sunrise Starlight Infinite Fabulous Totally Final Wonderful Arrow...FIRE! - Wonder-Red (The Wonderful101)
Well I have quite a few...
But my favourite would have to be Quagsire. Because of general awesomeness. As demonstrated here:
spurgeonryan said:
I like Espeon and Articuno out of your list. I like elegant Pokemon a lot! ^_^
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