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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Which is your favorite Pokemon? Why?

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I probably like either Snorlax or Blastoise the most. I've only played the Blue version though. I still need to finish that game. I think I got to the last tournament or whatever and stopped playing. After I beat a few more 3DS games I suppose I'll finish it.

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TruckOSaurus said:
Pikachu because not only does he kick ass in Brawl. You can drive your opponent crazy with thunderbolts and his constant "Pika, Pika", "Pika-CHUUUU"

Till you get punted by Falco!

The three original starters:
Squirtle cuz he was my first ever pokemon!! (I bought the blue version)
Bulbasaur cuz he's #1!!
Charmander cuz he's so cool!!

And of course, Pikachu!! :D

Gen 1: Ratticate
Gen 2: Ampharos
Gen 3: Mightyena
Gen 4: Togekiss
Gen 5: Snivy

Everybody loves Ray quaza.


Honourable mentions

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Bellsprout, of course.

I was an original Red Player, my favorite 3 at the time were Pikachu, Charizard, and Mew. Due to Smash Bros, my favorite has got to be Pikachu.


Metapod because I like my pokemon to be hard.


Tyranitar, because it's awesome. That's enough said

spurgeonryan said:
blkfish92 said:
Metapod because I like my pokemon to be hard.

I would have thought you would have said pideoto.

He's great too since he's a pigeon!!