spurgeonryan said:
Hit the jump for a shot of the little collectible coin thingies, which kinda look like fancy poker chips.

Might these have NFC in them for communication with the Wii U tablet?
gumby_trucker said:
VicViper said:
Good Gimmicks are good, bad gimmicks are bad. This looks cool to play with.
Don't know why the word got such a bad reputation.
Forget the word 'gimmick'. Just explain to me how this changes the game in any way. After I've had fun moving the screen around for an hour, isn't this exactly the same as the original golf for wii sports/resort?
Because the ball is visible on the ground just like in real golf, your physical actions take on a new level of realism. Don't forget tha the Wii U tablet has the LED lights at the top just like the Wii sensor bar. Combine that with the rotational sensing of the WM+ in the Wii remote and your shots are as real as they can get without actually going out to the greens.
Your stance, swing, angle, speed, etc...will be far more critical to a good hit than when everything was just represented on the TV screen.