Viper1 said:
JEMC said:
@Viper1_ True. Did they change their plans between 03-02-12 and now?
Not that I'm aware of but I've never known MS ot have that booth listed at any time either. I think whomever colored up that chart simply assumed MS was going to lease that booth as well given that Sony and Nintendo are expanding their booths and how isolated that booth would be for anyone else wanting it.
The majority of that secondary section was taken up by Bethesda last year. The rest were smaller booths. In 2010, it was all small booths.
MS is usually housed up in the South Hall anyway.
This is the floor map of last year:

Both Sony and Nintendo seem to go with the same booths of last year.
As for Microsoft... with only 1 booth (even if it's a big one) they seem to be less present than the competitors. It was mitigated in past editions as their booth was surrounded with 3rd parties, something that fitted with their approach (let 3rd parties care for software while they do the hardware), but now that they'll be face to face with Sony and Nintendo, it may hurt them.
Please excuse my bad English.
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