spurgeonryan said: Ohhh...Some good news!
Pandoras Tower Wii REview! Gameplay
8The chain and general weaponry combination for the real-time action mechanic battle works quickly and smoothly to prevent it growing stale. The variety of attack styles helps to further drive home its impressive nature, but a free-moving camera would have been beneficial in some close quarter circumstances for ease of viewing.
7Graphically on par with PlayStation 2 games for the most part, only keeping its head higher due to the creativity of characters and intricate detail included to ensure new locations are as full of life as possible.
9Wonderful rousing music to accompany battles scenes, some majestic classical tunes, and another hefty dose of impressive voice acting.
8Although thirteen towers may sound miniscule compared to the depth of recent Wii RPGs, the required revisiting of them, plus changing state of their internal structure, prolongs the adventure considerably without feeling like a cheap method of increasing the longevity.
/10 C3 Score Many will look at Pandora’s Tower as being the weakest of the three Wii RPGs, with Xenoblade Chronicles and The Last Story easily making Ganbarion and Nintendo’s effort seem unworthy of attention. However, such a judgement would be unjust, since this Action RPG takes a totally different slant, offering an almost 3D Castlevania and Metroid feel to proceedings, mixing in a pleasant love story and a brilliantly smooth battle system that will widen its appeal. Pandora’s Tower certainly can stand proud amongst its fellow genre stablemates.
First Project X Zone scansApril 10th, 2012 Posted in 3DS, News, Posted by Valay Only two scans for Project X Zone have leaked thus far. I’m sure we’ll be seeing more soon, so watch this space…
proyect X looks very nice the kind of game I was hoping for... I hope you are right and the games releases here asap!
Pandoras tower looks really nice, the launch trailer was very well done, and it sounds like the gameplay is very solid.
3DS code: 1289-8222-7215
NNid: Menx064