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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Nintendo News Thread: "Born a Nintendo Fan, die a Nintendo fan!

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What would you give for Nintendo to be #1 again this gen?

500 dollars 1,316 72.35%
Kidney 2 0.11%
Soul 9 0.49%
virginity 16 0.88%
Your favorite puppy 6 0.33%
Your 1,000 dollar copy of Xenoblades 8 0.44%
An hour of your time 26 1.43%
Other ( post below) 6 0.33%
....Left testicle.... 13 0.71%
Pezus's freedom 22 1.21%

Nintendo`s E3 is starting to grow on me. Well, i did like everything they showed, anyway.
Still, i think Nintendo`s new strategy of just delivering small bits of information has it`s obvious (E3) falls. There were just too many things that could be at least talked about and weren`t.

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I couldn't ask for anything better myself from Nintendo E3 this year...

Every company has there fair share of flare that are quite leveled, nothing earth shattering (minus Microsoft, their DRM looming over their heads really put a damper on anything they showed).

 And proud member of the Mega Mario Movement!

I could! :D

Not a lot, just a few things like VC games and systems, CoD trailer. They announced a spring game like Mario kart 8 but none for last quarter. Unless X or Bayonetta 2 will be released by then. Where are the games for the japanese market (Yakuza wasn`t even mentioned).

spurgeonryan said:
DélioPT said:
Nintendo`s E3 is starting to grow on me. Well, i did like everything they showed, anyway.
Still, i think Nintendo`s new strategy of just delivering small bits of information has it`s obvious (E3) falls. There were just too many things that could be at least talked about and weren`t.

I still miss Reggie, and people being forced ( more or less)to watch Nintendo news at E3. But it was alright. Just need to fix the stream next time.


99.99 dollar Skylanders edition blue Wii at Target this week! With Skylanders giants. Really cool stuff!


Anyone realize Lego Batman 2 was out for Wii U?

I heard that there were some technical issues on the american broadcast. Here in Europe things went smoothly.
It`s Nintendo´s new strategy: to only reveal things from ND to ND.

To be honest, i think there`s more to it.
While watching that Angry gamer show he did say that stopping other companies from showcasing certain games were a common thing - giving the example of AC4 and Destiny not being on MS' conference and all.
My guess is Nintendo simply wasn`t allowed to show Ghosts and most likely KH3 and FF 15.
Not even MS showed it and i am sure showing those SE games would be better than showing Project Spark.

Of all the Wii U, Xbox One and PS4 games, MK 8 is the one that made me go wow!
As the guy in the article puts it: "It looks absolutely breath-taking".

It`s the one game i can`t wait to play.

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Did you play DK on Wii? Man, that was one of thoughest games i ever played and one of the most rewarding games, too.

As much as i would prefer something new, i`m pretty sure it`s going to be a great game!

spurgeonryan said:

OOOHHH! Is anyone excited for this?

I am getting there..



Project CARS - 53 new screenshots released

BehindGames writes:Slightly Mad Studios has released 100 new screenshots for its upcoming racing video game "Project Cars", And As always the new screenshots looks so real and all shots show purely in-game footage without any filter. (PC, Project CARS, PS3, Wii U, Xbox 360)

Slightly Mad Studios has released 100 new screenshots for its upcoming racing video game “Project Cars”, And As always the new screenshots looks so real and all shots show purely in-game footage without any filter.

Project Cars planned for 2014 release on PS3, Xbox360, PC and WiiU, Slightly Mad Studios considering to release it on next gen when funding is secured.

You can check out 100 screenshots released two weeks ago here.

Wow, those are some pretty glamour shots.  I'll keep an eye on this title. Lots of potential.

Woah, I heard some people are actually buying the 3DS just to play DKCR3D... As much as I respect Shokio, but this clearly debunk his theory. This info might actually move WiiU units because of Tropical Freeze.

I just read that about the change of perception on the WiiU being only a kiddy-console. Sadly, I have to say that it will not change. That would've change 12 years ago if the games were the only thing that mattered. So I'm not seeing that will ever change.

 And proud member of the Mega Mario Movement!
spurgeonryan said:
DélioPT said:
Did you play DK on Wii? Man, that was one of thoughest games i ever played and one of the most rewarding games, too.

As much as i would prefer something new, i`m pretty sure it`s going to be a great game!

No, and I do not know why not. unlike Mario, the price has been down to 29.99 at times in the US.

You got to try it.

Don`t know if the 3DS version is as good (it has more levels), but the Wii game was a blast!

^ There`s no way you`ll find Xenoblade at a cheap price unless you are very, very lucky!
I too tried getting a copy here but there`s none.

Just a vídeo for all you Zelda lovers, from the Zelda concerts: