spurgeonryan said:
DélioPT said: Wii U`s schedule will be shaky til August, but then it will go full steam ahead! Woo-hoo! Do you guys think Nintendo will announce a Wii Sports game at E3 or will they save it for next year? |
I think that this would be the only logical thing to do. The Wii was not about Wii Fit and the other motion control games. Sure, they pushed units, but Wii Sports was what everyone wanted. I had 100's of hours of fun with each game. Wii Sports resort was hours exploring the island like in Pilotwings, and some of the sports were good as well. My other favorite was sword fighting.
Then with Wii sports I played Golf and Tennis for hours upon hours. Even got the top points in the Tennis game. Oh, bowling as well.
I too had a lot of fun with both. Tennis, of course. Table tennis, basketball, the "wave race" mini game was fun too.
Also, wouldn`t mind having a Pilotwings with a Panorama view option to explore the island more.
I do hope they add more depth to them the same way they did for Nintendoland.
Can`t wait for Wii Sports 3!