The Monsters Hunter series is a roaring success in Japan, but can never quite seem to gain the same footing in the U.S. Despite this, Capcom continues to support its niche Western fanbase by bringing the latest entries overseas. Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate will be available on both the Wii U and 3DS, supporting cross-platform play. Ignoring graphical and performance discrepancies between the 3DS and Wii U, each version of the game is identical. Players that purchase each version can swap their save data between their home console and portable system, as well as link four 3DS units with a Wii U for local co-op action.

The Monster Hunter series is all about joining up with friends to take down huge beasts, recovering resources from their bodies, using it to create awesome new gear, and repeating the process. My brief hands-on time with the game was par for the course. I controlled the action with the Wii U GamePad, watching the TV as I wandered around a hub town. A mixture of UI information is spread across the TV and GamePad screens, and you can move each meter and menu between them for a custom view. Want a clean look at the action on the TV? Move all the UI details to the GamePad screen. The same applies for the 3DS’ upper and lower screens. 

My fellow 3DS-wielding adventurer and I eventually meet up at the quest bulletin board. He’s posted a mission, which I accept. We’re hunting a gigantic dragon across the wiles. Venturing forth into the next zone, we immediately stumble upon a gigantic red dragon. The beast spits fireballs, flails its massive tail, and flies around the environment when we engage it in battle. A new targeting feature allows me to keep the camera fixed on the creature as it soars out of view (especially useful on the 3DS). My ally and I lay gigantic bear traps and sinkhole hazards to impede the creature. We focus our attacks on the tail, eventually severing the appendage and negating one of its attacks. The dragon begins limping and drooling, indicating that it’s fighting spirit is waning. The dragon sulks off to another zone, and we take the opportunity to cut some scales off its severed tail, which may be useful for crafting later.

Back on the hunt, we follow the dragon’s path towards a new area filled with local fauna. The dragon tries to recover its stamina by eating the surrounding animals, prompting us to kill all its potential meals. We continue wailing on the beast, and a few health potions later the thing is dead at our feet. The huge beast yields several more dragon scales, which can be combined to make some tough red armor for future hunts.

The formula is simple yet satisfying, and Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate’s doubled bestiary is sure to keep addicted hunters coming back for more. The prospect of taking your game on the go with your 3DS and seamlessly swapping over the big screen via the Wii U is also tempting. Capcom says online play will be available with the Wii U, but that the 3DS version is limited to local play. The JRPG grind may not be for everyone, but I like the idea of bringing my 3DS to a friend’s house and helping them quest while they game on their Wii U.