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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Wii U Thread!: Pokemon Rubmle U coming to Wii U

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What old franchise should Nintendo revive first on the Wii U?

Star Fox 220 47.31%
F-Zero 110 23.66%
Wave Race 29 6.24%
Top-Down Zelda 55 11.83%
Show me the results. 28 6.02%
spurgeonryan said:

Pachter says it will be possibly 249 at launch!

Damn... does that mean $599 confirmed?

Around the Network

Man WiiU is looking amazing. Though I am now a bit afraid it will be hit hard in 2013. Microsoft should have released their console this winter I am now at a 50/50 thought on Nextbox being at E3. I hate to sound like Pachter but the hardware should have been on the market this winter with the rumored specs.

Seems Microsoft if they are launching late 2013 are specifically targeting Nintendo as their primary competitor. If they had launched in 2012 with power 6x the 360 it would have been close enough to WiiU to port software back and fourth. Sony would have to either go big power wise and have titles not multi plat capable or release a similar powered system a year late.

Microsoft had a chance to kill PlayStation but it appears instead they are targeting Nintendo. If Microsoft's next console is 10x the power of 360 like Epic has suggested they want. Then once again Nintendo's console will not be able to get ports. Once again Nintendo will receive shovel ware.

But most importantly the Nextbox is supposedly going to have a tablet controller. A Vita request controller. Such a device would make the Nextbox WiiU with super power. Microsoft and Sony will both have a year to steal all of Nintendo's features.

I fear that Microsoft will offer a far more powerful WiiU with Kinect 2.0 late 2013. They certainly won't kill Nintendo but they will hit them hard. Nintendo will suffer from almost all of the same things they did this generation but this time instead of Nintendo fighting two peripherals Microsoft and Sony will both be using default controllers that offer much of the same features WiiU will.

So if Microsoft launches Nextbox in 2013 it is clear Sony is no longer the threat. They have a chance to land a crushing blow and instead are choosing to help Sony.The 6x powered console would have been Microsoft's best chance at stopping PlayStation4.


"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer


I still think the next Xbox or PS won`t be that better. Unless you want to have game prices rise again!
And, personally, of all the 3, i think MS might be in the most delicate position: MS is just now appealing, in a strong way, to the casual, won`t a high-priced console with basically the same technology as Kinect be a bad move to appeal to the casual market? But, if the console is not that expensive they might do better with that crowd (putting aside the fact that Kinect 2.0 might not have the same impact), but won`t that mean a less powerfull console? How will the core react to that?

I see MS doing everything to keep the casual as a target from the beginning as to take advantage of the impression they left with Kinect. And that would probably mean they will make a less powerfull console to make it more accessible to that market.

Wii U has a great chance if it has something like a year, or close to that, to itself in the market. Not only will it receive games like the other consoles will receive but we will get all the great Nintendo titles.
The jump to HD might not be a big thing, as hardware is concerned, but when it comes to software, it will!
Mario, Zelda, DK, Pikmin, Starfox and many others will really turn some heads when they are shown for Wii U!

Long live the Wii U! :D

DanneSandin said:
Play4Fun said:
Gilmour said:

Here's some other colors found on the same website


 This looks like it might become self-aware and kill you in your sleep.

Anyways, I hope Nintendo has the console available in at least two colors, white and black, at launch.

Wouldn't that be awesome! ...Except the killing part...

It looks like Cylon technology.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

spurgeonryan said:
Well we will all be there for each of these tidbits until they actually add up to something.

Pachter says it will be possibly 249 at launch!

Pachter is also a fool who makes a career out of pulling opinions out of his ass and having even more foolish gamers across the Internet quote his every word for some illogical reason. He has done it for 6 years now.

I describe myself as a little dose of toxic masculinity.

Around the Network
Heavenly_King said:

In this pool you are asked which is the BEST PRICE POINT, and not asked to guess the price point. Obviously the best is the cheapest; and yet most people voted for other options.

Looks like most people on this thread don't know to read properly.

It doesn't really seem YOU have thought that through entirely... And here's why: the best price point ISN'T the cheapest! That would mean that Nintendo would take a HUGE lose for every sold console - leading them to bankrupcy; and who wants that?! That's why the BEST PRICE POINT is something not too expansive, and nothing too cheap.

We all can read quite all right in this thread, but you don't really seem to be using that head of yours...

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

Jumpin said:
DanneSandin said:
Play4Fun said:
Gilmour said:

Here's some other colors found on the same website


 This looks like it might become self-aware and kill you in your sleep.

Anyways, I hope Nintendo has the console available in at least two colors, white and black, at launch.

Wouldn't that be awesome! ...Except the killing part...

It looks like Cylon technology.

Hey, if they're making one of those hot 'n sexy human-like cylons I'm getting one for sure!!

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

Joelcool7 said:
Man WiiU is looking amazing. Though I am now a bit afraid it will be hit hard in 2013. Microsoft should have released their console this winter I am now at a 50/50 thought on Nextbox being at E3. I hate to sound like Pachter but the hardware should have been on the market this winter with the rumored specs.

Seems Microsoft if they are launching late 2013 are specifically targeting Nintendo as their primary competitor. If they had launched in 2012 with power 6x the 360 it would have been close enough to WiiU to port software back and fourth. Sony would have to either go big power wise and have titles not multi plat capable or release a similar powered system a year late.

Microsoft had a chance to kill PlayStation but it appears instead they are targeting Nintendo. If Microsoft's next console is 10x the power of 360 like Epic has suggested they want. Then once again Nintendo's console will not be able to get ports. Once again Nintendo will receive shovel ware.

But most importantly the Nextbox is supposedly going to have a tablet controller. A Vita request controller. Such a device would make the Nextbox WiiU with super power. Microsoft and Sony will both have a year to steal all of Nintendo's features.

I fear that Microsoft will offer a far more powerful WiiU with Kinect 2.0 late 2013. They certainly won't kill Nintendo but they will hit them hard. Nintendo will suffer from almost all of the same things they did this generation but this time instead of Nintendo fighting two peripherals Microsoft and Sony will both be using default controllers that offer much of the same features WiiU will.

So if Microsoft launches Nextbox in 2013 it is clear Sony is no longer the threat. They have a chance to land a crushing blow and instead are choosing to help Sony.The 6x powered console would have been Microsoft's best chance at stopping PlayStation4.

To be honset I'm sharing your concerns... If WiiU isn't powerful enough it'll get hit hard by the next PSBox! I'm really hoping Nintendo takes notice of this fact and adjust accordingly; the WiiU needs 3rd party support! But I don't think the next gen will have that much better graphics - not if you care to listen to the rumors...

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

Joelcool7 said:
Man WiiU is looking amazing. Though I am now a bit afraid it will be hit hard in 2013. Microsoft should have released their console this winter I am now at a 50/50 thought on Nextbox being at E3. I hate to sound like Pachter but the hardware should have been on the market this winter with the rumored specs.

Seems Microsoft if they are launching late 2013 are specifically targeting Nintendo as their primary competitor. If they had launched in 2012 with power 6x the 360 it would have been close enough to WiiU to port software back and fourth. Sony would have to either go big power wise and have titles not multi plat capable or release a similar powered system a year late.

Microsoft had a chance to kill PlayStation but it appears instead they are targeting Nintendo. If Microsoft's next console is 10x the power of 360 like Epic has suggested they want. Then once again Nintendo's console will not be able to get ports. Once again Nintendo will receive shovel ware.

But most importantly the Nextbox is supposedly going to have a tablet controller. A Vita request controller. Such a device would make the Nextbox WiiU with super power. Microsoft and Sony will both have a year to steal all of Nintendo's features.

I fear that Microsoft will offer a far more powerful WiiU with Kinect 2.0 late 2013. They certainly won't kill Nintendo but they will hit them hard. Nintendo will suffer from almost all of the same things they did this generation but this time instead of Nintendo fighting two peripherals Microsoft and Sony will both be using default controllers that offer much of the same features WiiU will.

So if Microsoft launches Nextbox in 2013 it is clear Sony is no longer the threat. They have a chance to land a crushing blow and instead are choosing to help Sony.The 6x powered console would have been Microsoft's best chance at stopping PlayStation4.

While I agree with some of your observations, there are a few things where I disagree.

The original Xbox360 launched at 299 - 399 $/€. If, as you guess in your post, they launch the Nextbox with x10 the power of the 360, with Kinect 2.0 and a tablet controller, how much will that cost? More than those 399 of the original Xbox360 for sure given that the PC Kinect, which is a Kinect 1.5, costs $249.

Then there is the time. If they launch it late 2013 that will give Nintendo 1 vital year to gain marketshare, something that both Microsoft and Sony know is very important. Not only does it give Nintendo enough time to do a price cut if necessary, but it also gives them enough users to make 3rd partys think twice about not developing for it.

And third there is the power. What killed the Wii for 3rd partys was the fact that its harware was old, but the fact that is was incompatible with the way modern games are programmed. That won't happen with WiiU.

Let's put aside the fact that we still don't know how much powerful it is (and developers don't help here as some are happy with it while others aren't), maybe it won't be able to run the Unreal Engine 4, but so what? It will be more than enough to run the best version of the UE 3, the Cryengine 3 or the Frostbite 2 engine. Or even using the UE 4 but going 720p instead of 1080p and leaving some effects in the drawer.

So don't be scared about Microsoft launching in 2013. And remember that by then, we will start seeing the 2nd generation of games designed for WiiU, games impossible to run on the PS360.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

Latest Wii U Rumor!

- 720p seems to be the sweet spot for definition
- Wii U controller handles 480p
- Wii U controller allows for viewing of on-TV action from another angle in some games
- Seems that there are some third party ports using this idea for gameplay
- V5 dev kit is a little more powerful than V4, but doesn't make for 1080p in these situations
- games can benefit from a slight visual boost over 360/PS3 and may run at a higher resolution
- more simple titles may be able to run 1080p in conjunction with the controller

Read my original story on Fictionpress (Shinigami Twin): 

As well as my other one (Hell's Punishment):

Nintendo Network ID: kingofe3