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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Official Wii U Thread!: Pokemon Rubmle U coming to Wii U

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What old franchise should Nintendo revive first on the Wii U?

Star Fox 220 47.31%
F-Zero 110 23.66%
Wave Race 29 6.24%
Top-Down Zelda 55 11.83%
Show me the results. 28 6.02%

I'm disappointed in the crappy CPU, it's late 2012, there's no reason they shouldn't have been able to get a CPU that absolutely wipes the floor with the 360. 1-1.5 GB of RAM is skimping too, why not just go to 2GB? They're probably using dirt cheap RAM.

Oh well. I'm kinda resigned to the fact that the days of the SNES/N64/GCN are over, Nintendo these days is content with taking past generation console standards and slightly exceeding them 5-7 years later. That's the Wii way.

That said I'm sure Mario/Zelda/Donkey Kong/etc. will look swell and play great and they're still my favorite software maker.

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TomaTito said:
Viper1 said:

512 MB for a console OS is beyond proposterous.  I can run Windows 7 on 512 MB.

I was not suggesting the OS usage will be higher but lower, the rumours do say "up to".

Which is why the rumor should be ignored.  "Up to" and "512 MB" should not ever have been considered by the author.

Soundwave said:

I'm disappointed in the crappy CPU, it's late 2012, there's no reason they shouldn't have been able to get a CPU that absolutely wipes the floor with the 360. 1-1.5 GB of RAM is skimping too, why not just go to 2GB? They're probably using dirt cheap RAM.

Oh well. I'm kinda resigned to the fact that the days of the SNES/N64/GCN are over, Nintendo these days is content with taking past generation console standards and slightly exceeding them 5-7 years later. That's the Wii way.

That said I'm sure Mario/Zelda/Donkey Kong/etc. will look swell and play great and they're still my favorite software maker.

The RAM is not as skimpy as you think it is.  Please see the debate going on for the past several posts.

The CPU doesn't need to be as fast to be better.   And trust me, it is a better CPU.   It's from IBM's latest line up of chips.   Anyone claiming it's not better than the IBM's chips from 7 years ago should receive a stern look in their general direction.

The rEVOLution is not being televised

RAM will be 2GB with 1.5GB for games and 512MB for OS. I also believe there will be some serious bundling options, kinda why I think EA, Activision, and others have failed to mention certain games.

1.5GB RAM total, with 512MB going to the OS. Source:

The multiple SKUs most likely have to do with multiple system colors. There is no chance that one version will have a bigger hard drive, have different software bundled, etc.

Soundwave said:

 I'm disappointed in the crappy CPU, it's late 2012, there's no reason they shouldn't have been able to get a CPU that absolutely wipes the floor with the 360. 

The only problem with WiiU's CPU so far has been the speed, with some anonymous developers saying that it's slow.

Well, guess what? My intel i5 750 at its stock speed of 2.6 GHz, completely destroys a Pentium 4 running at 3 GHz. It's not only the speed that matters, the architecture of the CPUs also plays a big role.

Why would you need a 3.2GHz CPU (like the one in the 360) when you can do as much if not more with a newer CPU at 2GHz? And what if that CPU is clocked at 3GHz? Sure, it's slower than the old one, but it can do a lot more while using less power and being cooler.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

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TheShape31 said:
1.5GB RAM total, with 512MB going to the OS. Source:

The multiple SKUs most likely have to do with multiple system colors. There is no chance that one version will have a bigger hard drive, have different software bundled, etc.

1.5 GB sounds legit, but 512 MB going to JUST the OS? Does Windows even leave that big of a footprint? If that much goes to the OS, then Nintendo DEFINITELY has some unveiling to do. Cross game chat, and multitasking that outdoes the Vita and 3DS both sound extremely likely. 

Disappointing. But it's to be expected with how poor 3rd party support was for the Wii. It'll take time before Nintendo gets all 3rd parties back on board for their consoles. They say it's a problem of resources but it's really a problem of them not seeing enough profit in porting their games to the Wii U (and Vita). The fact that codemasters say future installments could be done externally points to this.
That could change if the Wii U turns out to be a succes but it also depends on how well games like Tekken, Batman and Aliens for example do. When 3rd party dev's realize there's a reasonable amount of intensive gamers who'd like to own their games on the Wii U they'll start bringing their big franchises to the Wii U as well.

Nintendo has struggled with 3rd party support ever since the N64 and their choice to stick with cartridges. It has been getting better with the Wii, even though it opened the flood gates of shovelware. It should be better at least at first for the Wii U, and continue to be better as long as 1) Some gimicky cash in title genre doesn't give them get rick quick dreams like the party games did this last gen. 2) The Wii U consumers actually buy the "good" 3rd party games but showing them 'yeah we're here and we will buy it if it comes.'

The problem with the Wii was that Nintendo decided to release lighter titles that shouldn't of sold as well as they did. The third parties seen that and tried to cash in causing a flood of Me too party titles. (Take Two's Carnival games) The games that were released to test the water didn't sell well because either the ports were not handled well. (Rockstar's Pong) or ignored (Rockstar's Bully). Rockstar/Take Two Interactive is a good example of what went wrong with the Wii's third party support. And it seems Nintendo has corrected some things to try and intice at least better titles this time around from the bigger publishers as well as the smaller developers. Even to the point of one the of mobile developer saying that they made more money on the Wii's Wiiware channel then in the mobile market because of satration of above mentioned shovelware titles.

Just to ask, what system seller franchise doesn't Wii U have already? Aside from Pokemon and Grand Theft Auto, which both is possible, I can't think of anything else.

Read my original story on Fictionpress (Shinigami Twin): 

As well as my other one (Hell's Punishment):

Nintendo Network ID: kingofe3

Pokemonbrawlvg said:
Just to ask, what system seller franchise doesn't Wii U have already? Aside from Pokemon and Grand Theft Auto, which both is possible, I can't think of anything else.

Don´t know if you consider them to be system sellers, but so far no word on Resident Evil and Metal Gear.